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How can I echo HTML in PHP?

I want to conditionally output HTML to generate a page, so what's the easiest way to echo multiline snippets of HTML in PHP 4+? Would I need to use a template framework like Smarty?

echo '<html>', "\n"; // I'm sure there's a better way!
echo '<head>', "\n";
echo '</head>', "\n";
echo '<body>', "\n";
echo '</body>', "\n";
echo '</html>', "\n";
\n doesn't work in html. I guess you meant echo "
Good pracitice say to separete your logic from view (like in MVC). use templetig engine like Twig to separete your view from script logic - Insted of implementing your html markup to your php script do it other way round. Implement php variables to twig temple. As soon as you get what I mean you will see benefits of this aproach. Twig solve this kind of issues. For small chank of code you can write your own twig extension which you can then use with in secounds to performe some complicated but repetative tasks.

Peter Mortensen

There are a few ways to echo HTML in PHP.

1. In between PHP tags

<?php if(condition){ ?>
     <!-- HTML here -->
<?php } ?>

2. In an echo

     echo "HTML here";

With echos, if you wish to use double quotes in your HTML you must use single quote echos like so:

echo '<input type="text">';

Or you can escape them like so:

echo "<input type=\"text\">";

3. Heredocs

4. Nowdocs (as of PHP 5.3.0)

Template engines are used for using PHP in documents that contain mostly HTML. In fact, PHP's original purpose was to be a templating language. That's why with PHP you can use things like short tags to echo variables (e.g. <?=$someVariable?>).

There are other template engines (such as Smarty, Twig, etc.) that make the syntax even more concise (e.g. {{someVariable}}).

The primary benefit of using a template engine is keeping the design (presentation logic) separate from the coding (business logic). It also makes the code cleaner and easier to maintain in the long run.

If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment.

Further reading is available on these things in the PHP documentation.

NOTE: PHP short tags <? and ?> are discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option. They are available, regardless of settings from 5.4 onwards.

Shouldn't the "/* HTML here */" REALLY be a "" ? ;)
Yes on the first post you are correct. I was caught up in the code haha. Thank you.
Thanks, @Chris B. it helped me. With echos, if you wish to use double quotes in your HTML you must use single quote echos like so: I was actually missing this.
This first link in the answer is now removed :(
Actually, the only short tags available from 5.4 onwards are the short echo tags <?=$var?>. Short tags are discouraged as usual, and are to be removed (<? doStuff() ?>).
Peter Mortensen

Try it like this (heredoc syntax):

$variable = <<<XYZ

echo $variable;

@MhdSyrwan just random chars, you can read more here…
care to elaborate? I don't see the opening or closing PHP brackets, but both HTML and PHP, so huh? - the link works and answers it better, but maybe it should be in the answer text then, not in the comments?
@Julix of course you need to add opening and (depends) closing PHP tags. He just wanted to make the example short.
I got it; somehow I missed this was heredocs syntax (i.e. the entire code is php). I got confused, since I was new to PHP at the time and used to seeing syntax like <?php $variable = "bla"; ?> <html> <body class="<?php echo $variable ?>"> </body> </html> --- So I thought a bunch of brackets were missing and was unsure where exactly they'd go. It's always funny when my slightly older comments get answered, since I was so very new to it all then.
Peter Mortensen

You could use the alternative syntax alternative syntax for control structures and break out of PHP:

<?php if ($something): ?>
    <some /> <tags /> <etc />
    <?=$shortButControversialWayOfPrintingAVariable ?>
    <?php /* A comment not visible in the HTML, but it is a bit of a pain to write */ ?>
<?php else: ?>
    <!-- else -->
<?php endif; ?>

@Jeremy: This is probably the best, most direct way assuming you are not looking for something more... Are you looking for something more?
Yes, specifically the ability to use PHP comments in between the HTML, comments that will not be echo'd.

Basically you can put HTML anywhere outside of PHP tags. It's also very beneficial to do all your necessary data processing before displaying any data, in order to separate logic and presentation.

The data display itself could be at the bottom of the same PHP file or you could include a separate PHP file consisting of mostly HTML.

I prefer this compact style:

    /* do your processing here */

    <?php foreach ( $something as $item ) : ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

Note: you may need to use <?php echo $var; ?> instead of <?=$var?> depending on your PHP setup.

John Kugelman

I am partial to this style:

<%    if (X)
%>      <title>Definitely X</title>
<%    }
%>      <title>Totally not X</title>
<%    }
%>  </head>

I do use ASP-style tags, yes. The blending of PHP and HTML looks super-readable to my eyes. The trick is in getting the <% and %> markers just right.

Are ASP tags compatible with PHP 4+?
Yes but get em while they last - they're being removed from PHP (not sure which version... if they haven't gone already)
Peter Mortensen

Another approach is put the HTML in a separate file and mark the area to change with a placeholder [[content]] in this case. (You can also use sprintf instead of the str_replace.)

$page = 'Hello, World!';
$content = file_get_contents('html/welcome.html');
$pagecontent = str_replace('[[content]]', $content, $page);

Alternatively, you can just output all the PHP stuff to the screen captured in a buffer, write the HTML, and put the PHP output back into the page.

It might seem strange to write the PHP out, catch it, and then write it again, but it does mean that you can do all kinds of formatting stuff (heredoc, etc.), and test it outputs correctly without the hassle of the page template getting in the way. (The Joomla CMS does it this way, BTW.)


    echo('Hello, World!');
    $php_output = ob_get_contents();
<h1>My Template page says</h1>
Template footer

Peter Mortensen
$enter_string = '<textarea style="color:#FF0000;" name="message">EXAMPLE</textarea>';

echo('Echo as HTML' . htmlspecialchars((string)$enter_string));

Peter Mortensen

Simply use the print function to echo text in the PHP file as follows:


    <div class="wrap">

      <span class="textClass">TESTING</span>



In addition to Chris B's answer, if you need to use echo anyway, still want to keep it simple and structured and don't want to spam the code with <?php stuff; ?>'s, you can use the syntax below.

For example you want to display the images of a gallery:

foreach($images as $image)
        '<a href="', site_url(), 'images/', $image['name'], '">',
            '<img ',
                'class="image" ',
                'title="', $image['title'], '" ',
                'src="', site_url(), 'images/thumbs/', $image['filename'], '" ',
                'alt="', $image['description'], '"',

Echo takes multiple parameters so with good indenting it looks pretty good. Also using echo with parameters is more effective than concatenating.

echo '


echo "<html>\n<body>\n</body>\n</html>\n";

Peter Mortensen

Try this:

    echo <<<HTML

    Your HTML tags here


Peter Mortensen

This is how I do it:

<?php if($contition == true){ ?>
         <input type="text" value="<?php echo $value_stored_in_php_variable; ?>" />
<?php }else{ ?>
         <p>No input here </p>
<?php } ?>

Not sure why your answer was specifically down-voted when someone wrote an almost identical answer in this same thread and got 30 upvotes. This is completely valid syntax though. Stack overflow makes no sense sometimes...
I agree. It could be that ($contition == true) is frowned upon. Preferrably, you would instead do ($contition)(sic)
@AFriend it could be that, as you point out, the same answer was posted a decade before this one, and was accepted by the OP, and this adds nothing to it.
Peter Mortensen

Don't echo out HTML.

If you want to use

<?php echo "<h1>  $title; </h1>"; ?>

you should be doing this:

<h1><?= $title;?></h1>

That's a very opinionated take. You can totally echo out HTML without issues.