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dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dylib error running php after installing node with brew on Mac

I installed node using homebrew (Mojave), afterwards php stoped working and if I try to run php -v I get this error:

php -v
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/php
  Reason: image not found

I tried to uninstall both node and icu4c but the problem persists

Did you also install php from Homebrew? Did you try to reinstall php?
For posterity: uninstall/reinstall yarn/node seems to do the trick.
according to my understanding, this happens when you've mismatch version dependencies. in my case, "brew upgrade" command fixed my issues. please correct me, if i'm wrong in any way.
While I was getting this, the problem was that /usr/local/opt/icu4c didn't exist, and brew reinstall icu4c gave me a bunch of "permission denied" issues for the icu4c dir. So I sudo rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c and brew reinstall icu4c, and everything worked.
I have a weird situation (using High Sierra on an outdated machine) but this occurred after I updated PHP to 7.2 (or tried to). My solution was to reinstall node from a download. Homebrew isn't reliable once you're out of the range of MacOSs supported by Apple, I find.

Jon Winstanley

Update - As stated in some of the comments, running brew cleanup could possibly fix this error, if that alone doesn't fix it, you might try upgrading individual packages or all your brew packages.

I just had this same problem. Upgrading Homebrew and then cleaning up worked for me. This error likely showed up for me because of a mismatch in package versions. None of the above solutions resolved my error, but running the following homebrew commands did.

Caution - This will upgrade all your brew packages, including, but not limited to PHP. If you only want to upgrade specific packages make sure to be specific.

brew upgrade icu4c

brew upgrade // or upgrade all packages

and finally

brew cleanup

I think this is not a good idea for those that have environment with two versions of PHP like me. Also, brew upgrade will upgrade your PHP version and this is not necessary good if your goal is not to upgrade your PHP, but solve a library error.
I wouldn't do this because brew upgrade will upgrade all your brew outdated packages, instead, probably only do brew upgrade npm or a specific package, not all.
@xgMz You’re right about this. For me, I didn’t care if I was updating all my packages, but for someone that doesn’t want to, then that’s probably not great. I added a note to my solution. Thanks!
@Leland 's answer below is what was needed for me even after brew cleanup and brew upgrade of specific package. Switching the package manually worked.
This worked before I even ran brew cleanup. In my case the error didn't occur until I tried running an n98 command (magento cli) through crontab. This helped.

In my case, that happened because icu4c was upgraded to version 63 but my locally installed postgres image still referenced icu4c 62.1. Therefore I had to change the icu4c version used:

 brew info icu4c
 brew switch icu4c <version>

Where version is the installed version returned by info.

I did not have 62.1 installed. brew list icu4c showed a files from /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/63.1. brew switch icu4c 63.1 fixed it for me.
I found this page after finding this error in my Postgres logs. I also tried brew switch icu4c 63.1 but still getting the same error in the logs, even after restarting postgres. Not sure what to do next...
I ended up running brew reinstall postgres and that seemed to solve my problems
Unfortunately brew switch no longer available.
The new brew switch command is brew link

I am actually quite surprised that this solution has not been presented yet, and I feel like it is the easiest solution.

Go to GitHub, find the version of the brewfile that matches the version of icu4c that you need and get the raw version of the file (follow the links above and click View File then Raw).

Then just have brew reinstall from that url.

For example, version 62.1:

brew reinstall

For example, version 64.2:

brew reinstall


Later versions of Homebrew may require you to download the file first. If this is the case:

brew reinstall icu4c.rb

Worked great! To fix error dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.64.dylib this command fixed it: brew reinstall
Unfortunately brew upgrade removes older linked version and for people who still wanna use new version and keep brew up to date: 1)Use mentioned command to install older version 2)Copy 64.2 dir from /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/ somewhere locally 3)Run brew upgrade to install latest version of icu4c 4)Copy saved dir in to the /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/ 5)Now you can switch between versions: brew switch icu4c 64.2
For icu4c 66: brew reinstall
This doesn't work anymore. It asks you to brew extract
@brunouno You need to download the .rb file and do: brew reinstall icu4c.rb

Turns out I, like @Grey Black, had to actually install v62.1 of icu4c. Nothing else worked.

However, brew switch icu4c 62.1 only works if you have installed 62.1 in the past. If you haven't there's more legwork involved. Homebrew does not make it easy to install previous versions of formulae.

Here's how I did it:

We first need a deep clone of the Homebrew repo. This may take a while: git -C $(brew --repo homebrew/core) fetch --unshallow brew log icu4c to track down a commit that references 62.1; 575eb4b does the trick. cd $(brew --repo homebrew/core) git checkout 575eb4b -- Formula/icu4c.rb brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies icu4c brew install icu4c You should now have the correct version of the dependency! Now just to... git reset && git checkout . Cleanup your modified recipe. brew pin icu4c Pin the dependency to prevent it from being accidentally upgraded in the future

If you decide you do want to upgrade it at some point, make sure to run brew unpin icu4c

You should first do git -C (brew --repo homebrew/core) fetch --unshallow to make sure you have a full brew git history.
This is the only solution out there that worked for me, thank you! In my case the problem was ffmpeg package which, I assume, installed newer version of icu4c. Neither updating, upgrading brew worked, nor reinstalling, relinking, building php from source.
In my case I've needed icu4c v63, so the related commit to checkout is bc0c97952453ff6afc146aa3a706e9902aba4300. The git command is git checkout bc0c97952453ff6afc146aa3a706e9902aba4300 -- Formula/icu4c.rb and then brew switch 63.1
This resulted in ==> Downloading #=#=-# # curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Error: Failed to download resource "icu4c_bottle_manifest" Download failed: when I tried to get version 67.1 with….
Ok so brew has moved on. The command structure has changed and the format of the "formula" has too. I got past the format by editing the ruby to suit the new format. It doesn't help me though becuase, as @bluepanda said, is gone. I did find an alternative formula though, and it did work for me: I used wget to pull the file and then brew reinstall Icu4c@64.rb followed by brew link Icu4c@64. I'll now retire to the simplicity of my archlinux box :)
Lucas Bustamante

Run npm version, if you see the same error, upgrade npm.

brew upgrade npm.

==> Upgrading 1 outdated package, with result:
npm 8.1.2 -> 10.3.0
==> Upgrading npm
==> Installing dependencies for node: icu4c
==> Installing node dependency: icu4c


Arun Karnati

I had the same problem after I upgraded my macOS to version 10.13.6. I can't run composer and php commands. After researching for a while and trying various solutions posted online, reinstalling php using homebrew worked.

brew reinstall php@7.1

Added on March 14th based on Ryan's comment

get the version you are currently using by running php -v and get the right formulae (which you can find here: to replace @7.1 in the above command.

I got the same error running node after upgrading macOS to 10.14.2, brew reinstall node was the ticket for me too
I started getting this error after installing a new package with brew. Doing brew upgrade fixed it for me.
brew reinstall php may end up installing a different version to the current one. You may have to specify the version using php@7.1
you can't get the current version by running php -v if your php is broken :p
@gingerCodeNinja that's true, perhaps this might help: for Mac OS, go to terminal and run echo $PATH (if you have php, you should see something like this: /usr/local/opt/php@7.2/bin) this is one way to find out what versions are currently being used.

This fixed it for me:

brew upgrade node

This worked for me as well. I never fully investigated it but I believe brew just fixed the dependencies as well while upgrading node. This felt a lot more contained in comparison to brew upgrade.
seems similar case, > 'brew reinstall node' did help me after switching to Catalina
Oddly enough, this /icu4c/lib/libicui18n.66.dylib error suddenly occurred when I was running rspec. I stashed my handful of code changes, error still showed up. upgrading node fixed the problem! Thank you!
Thanks :) I was about to try the other solutions - but this fixed my issue right away.

For me the solution was to:

brew reinstall icu4c


gem uninstall charlock_holmes
gem install charlock_holmes

In May 2022 on macOS 12.3.1 with a Ruby on Rails app this worked for me. Thanks Dorian.

Seems like it is impossible to link icu4c using brew after latest OS X update. Which makes things more interesting. The only solution I found working for me:

Download and compile icu4c 62.1 to /usr/local/icu4c/62.1

mkdir ~/sources
cd ~/sources
tar xvzf icu4c-62_1-src.tgz
cd icu/source/

sudo mkdir /usr/local/icu4c/62.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/icu4c/62.1
sudo make install

Link libs:

ln -s /usr/local/icu4c/62.1/lib/*.dylib /usr/local/include/

Set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in ~/.bash_profile:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/include

I'm running PHP 7.1 and this was the only thing that worked for me.
In my case I needed the 64.2 version, so I downloaded it from…
After updating to OS Big Sur, icu4c 67 was missing, tried all kinds of solutions but this was the only one that worked. Downloaded it from… . Thank you!
George Milojevic

I actually tried all of the solutions which made sense, mentioned in this post and yet i still got the same error when running php -v or composer. The node version was fine, npm as well there were no issues on having installed correct versions and they were all running. Running reinstall php@7.1 just threw an error. In the end i had to run:

brew reinstall icu4c

This basically worked, with me having to manually then install php dependencies such as, As these libraries were installed for a project that i no longer maintain i can go without them. But if you do have dependancies on them, have in mind that there will be more work to do afterwards.

this worked for me! npm install wasn't working after my work macbook force updated to Catalina last week. Found here originally:

Just brew remove php and brew install php did not work, nor did brew reinstall php. My solution was to do:

brew remove php
cd /usr/local/Cellar
rm -rf php/
brew install php
brew doctor
brew cleanup

Now php -v gives me:

PHP 7.3.2 (cli) (built: Feb 14 2019 10:08:45) ( NTS )


my issue:

# npm install -g canvas

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.64.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/opt/node@8/bin/node
  Reason: image not found

for now 20210118, after many try:

brew reinstall
brew upgrade npm
brew install node
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies node@8 icu4c
brew install icu4c

Final worked solution is:

brew reinstall npm

brew reinstall npm command solved my problem

Actually, I found the solution directly on homebrew page:

Upgrading macOS can cause errors like the following:

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.54.dylib configure: error: Cannot find libz

Following a macOS upgrade it may be necessary to reinstall the Xcode Command Line Tools and brew upgrade all installed formula:

xcode-select --install
brew upgrade

In my case the problem wasn't related to upgrading OS, but the solution worked nicely.

This did the trick for me after upgrading to mac OS 11.6 Big Sur. Thanks!
Laurence Cooper

2021-02 Easy solution

After years of dealing with this problem the following, surprisingly easy, solution worked for me:

Open the raw file in your web browser of the version you need:

Version 62:

Version 64:

Version 66:

Version 67:

Latest version:

Copy paste the contents into a new file named: icu4c.rb Run the following on the newly created file: brew reinstall icu4c.rb


I found a similar set of instructions, but it requires compiling the source:, which worked for me.
Callum M

For me brew reinstall nodejs fixed this - my issue was with running Elixir/Phoenix so not PHP specific, I think it was caused by brew install postgres, but reinstalling that didn't help. I was getting it from npm commands.


In order to downgrade, i had to recompile from source (MacOS Mojave)

$ wget
$ tar xvfz icu4c-62_1-src.tgz
$ cd icu/sources
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install


brew update && brew upgrade worked for me

Welcome to SO! Your collaboration is welcome. In this case, there are 15 more questions so it will be a good point to show the Pros of yours.
Muzammil Baloch

This is what finally worked for me.

brew reinstall postgres

After running the above command you might need to run

brew postgresql-upgrade-database

to access your previous data.

This worked for me. MacOS Montery, PostgreSQL 14.3

i followed this article here and this seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle for me:

brew uninstall node@8

After trying every suggestion from different forms my error stopped after using this but now we have an issue regarding npm after reinstalling node
The accepted answer did not work for me. What did work for me was a variation of this answer: brew remove node && brew install node

Rather than install an old version of icu4c that the older (precompiled) php can link to, it's better to recompile the old php to link to the more recent library.

brew uninstall php@7.2
brew install --build-from-source php@7.2

This will build php and link it to the newer library. I found reinstall didn't quite work; the new install choked when the destination folder already existed.

I also did brew link --force php@7.2 for my environment.

Tried this but no improvement; Grey Black's brew switch icu4c 62.1 command worked for me, however.
Matt Rink

I had problems because my version of PHP (7.3) was expecting icu4c 63 and brew would only install 64. helped me install 63.

after searching for a while, this is what helped me. Thanks
Léo Maldonado

On MacOS Mojave, only way I could fix it was with brew upgrade

Winter Faulk

On OSX 10.15.4 running xcode-select --install fixed the issue for me.


Leland's answer worked for me, but I had to change steps 4 and 6 to:

4) git checkout -B icu4c-62.1 575eb4b

6) brew reinstall Formula/icu4c.rb


The solution in this gist did it for me

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies node icu4c
brew install node

Huy Phan

In my case, brew update icu4c to version 67.1 so my php7.1 doesn't work. Just reinstall icu4c, then it fine.

Ref this:

i simply re-installed php 7.3 which is what was broken and it fixed it also. This guide pointed me in the right direction though.
David Fernández Rafael

Got this error, too, after installing php 7.3. I had it resolved upgrading just my old php's versions (5.6 and 7.0, not from the official repos).

The maintainers had compiled new php versions against the current icu4c.

In my case, PHP 7 got from 0.31 to 0.33, and the problem was solved.

Isn't this covered by the other answers?
IMO, no. One answer talks about recompiling, and what I've to do is "update".
I got this error too after upgrading from an unofficial repo but brew upgrade node fixed it.

In my case I had to switch between two versions of icu4c since I still maintain PHP 5.6 projects (which use the old icu4c 64.2). brew install and reinstall from raw .rb links always replaces the previously installed versions for some reason.

#fetching 64.2
brew fetch 

#fetching stable version
brew fetch 

cd $(brew --cache)/downloads
tar xvfz e2a83648f37dc5193016ce14fa6faeb97460258b214e805b1d7ce8956e83c1a7--icu4c-64.2.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
tar xvfz e045a709e2e21df31e66144a637f0c77dfc154f60183c89e6b04afa2fbda28ba--icu4c-67.1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
mv -n icu4c/67.1 $(brew --cellar)/icu4c/
mv -n icu4c/64.2 $(brew --cellar)/icu4c/

then switch between versions

$ brew switch icu4c 64.2
Cleaning /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/64.2
Cleaning /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/67.1
Opt link created for /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/64.2

$ brew switch icu4c 67.1
Cleaning /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/64.2
Cleaning /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/67.1
Opt link created for /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/67.1


[2020] edition

For me, it was installing icu4c with the needed version.

If you need to install the old version like version 62, (same steps for else versions), you need to:

Create your own repo (or find someones repo) with this version of brew tap (links are different for every version):

version 62

version 64 

version 66

version 67

[yourUsername]/homebrew-versions/Formula/ Place downloaded file to 'Formula' folder brew tap [yourUsername]/homebrew-versions brew install [yourUsername]/homebrew-versions/icu4c You got it!

Where [yourUsername] is the name of your GitHub account or person who already have the needed version tap.

Unfortunately, latest homebrew gives no longer a warning and now displays the error: Error: Calling Installation of XXX from a GitHub commit URL is disabled! Use 'brew extract XXX' to stable tap on GitHub instead. So the way to go now is to create a new repo on github called homebrew-versions to host the Formula in a Tap Then initialise it with: brew tap-new MYORG/homebrew-versions after git cloning the homebrew repo as suggested by Shine Hugh, copy paste the raw ruby file to your new Formula. Beware the funny naming convention! Example: File name is: gettext@0.20.2.rb Class name is: GettextAT0202 Example: source:

If you got an error, try to install from source: //1. download file (for example, for 67) wget… //2. Find link to archive inside file 'cat icu4c.rb' //3. Download archive and install from source like
Varun Varunesh

I just wanted to leave a detail summary on how to fix this issue at the current moment (this worked for me):

First go to the local installation of homebrew

cd /usr/local/Homebrew/

Homebrew > 2.5 remove the option to install formulas directly from git repos so we need to checkout an older version

git checkout 2.3.0

Install icu4c version (in my case 64.2 was compitable with php@7.1)


Go back to current version of homebrew

git checkout -

Tell brew to use the old version of icu4c this way you can chose wich version to use if you have both intalled

brew switch icu4c 64.2

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