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Javascript dynamically invoke object method from string

Can I dynamically call an object method having the method name as a string? I would imagine it like this:

var FooClass = function() { = function() {};

var method = "smile";
var foo = new FooClass();

// I want to run smile on the foo instance.
foo.{mysterious code}(); // being executed as;

Karoly Horvath

if the name of the property is stored in a variable, use []


it's not working for me using a variable inside a function:const genericResolver = ( table, action , values ) => { return Auth.isAuthenticated() .then(() => { return eval(table).findAll()
If you want to execute a method from another method inside a class, use this['methodName']().
Getting this ugly error Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'FooClass' anyone else ?
I just love short answers.
Didier Ghys

Properties of objects can be accessed through the array notation:

var method = "smile";
foo[method](); // will execute the method "smile"


When we call a function inside an object, we need provide the name of the function as a String.

var obj = {talk: function(){ console.log('Hi') }};

obj['talk'](); //prints "Hi"
obj[talk]()// Does not work

It's always helpful to provide some commentary with your code so it can be understood out of context.
Added some comment. Thanks!

method can be call with eval eval("foo." + method + "()"); might not be very good way.

Useful in my case where foo is { fields: [{ id: 1 }] } and method is fields[0]?.id, but I had to remove () from your proposed answer

I would like to leave an example here for this. For example; i want to call a dynamically check method while submitting the form.

<form data-before-submit="MyObject.myMethod">
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
$('form').on('submit', function(e){

    var beforeSubmit = $(this).attr('data-before-submit');

    if( beforeSubmit ){

       params = beforeSubmit.split(".");
       objectName = params[0];
       methodName = params[1];

       result = window[objectName][methodName]($(this));

       if( result !== true ){



var MyObject = {
    myMethod = function(form){
        return true;