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Is it better to return `undefined` or `null` from a javascript function?

I have a function which I have written which basically looks like this:

function getNextCard(searchTerms) {
  // Setup Some Variables

  // Do a bunch of logic to pick the next card based on termed passed through what I'll call here as 'searchTerms' all of this logic is omitted because it's not important for my question.
  // ...

  // If we find a next card to give, than give it
  if (nextCardFound)
    return nextCardFound;

  // Otherwise - I'm returning undefined
  return undefined;

Question: Would it be better to return "null" here?

I can pass whatever I want back - obviously... I just wasn't sure what is the best thing to use.

The code that calls this function knows how to deal with undefined (it actually won't ever really happen unless something goes horribly wrong)

The reason I'm asking this question is that I heard somewhere something that sounded like "Don't assign undefined to variables" or something - that it will make it harder to debug. So, the fact that I can see that null gets passed back tells me that the return is working - but basically function similar to undefined.


Mozilla Docs Didn't answer my question... google didn't either :\

This SO Question - was way too broad for what I'm trying to figure out here.

doesn't this SO Question answer?
In my opinion, return null. Leave undefined to JavaScript itself. However, there is no "better" so this is a matter of opinion.
@warkentien2 Thanks, this was helpful - but I'm still unclear as to what the convention is here for returning from a getter function.
I read null as "there is no appropriate value for what you're asking for" and undefined as "I can't work out what you're asking for".
@warkentien2 that question, and the one I linked in my answer, are related, but both seem to be asking what is the difference between them and not when to use one or the other as a return value.


Undefined typically refers to something which has not yet been assigned a value (yet). Null refers to something which definitively has no value. In that case, I would recommend returning a null. Note that a function with no specified return value implicitly returns undefined.

From the ECMAScript2015 spec

4.3.10 undefined value primitive value used when a variable has not been assigned a value 4.3.12 null value primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value

Further reading:

When is null or undefined used in JavaScript?

Yes, undefined is the value used when a variable has not been assigned a value. Why exactly does that imply you shouldn't return undefined in a function?
@Oriol, in my mind, since a void function returns undefined, that is a reserved value for functions of that type, so that when handling the return value of a function, null tells me it decided to return null, whereas undefined tells me it either decided to return undefined, or it decided not to return anything, but I don't definitively know which. Further, if I am doing var x=someFunc();, I am intentionally assigning x a value, and would rather it not pass any tests which indicate it has not (or may have not) been assigned a value. Just imho
This should be the accepted answer. This is how it was intended to be used in the spec
I don't read it that way. I read it as: If you define a variable but don't initialize it, it will instead have an initial value of undefined. Null should be used by the programmer to intentionally indicate that a variable is empty. IMHO undefined should never be assigned to a variable by the programmer, leave it up to the js engine to use it. The term "object" value is misleading, since in JS even the primitives behave like objects for the most part due to autoboxing
Yeah, that makes sense. To be fair, I don't mind using one over the other (although I'm more used to null) as long as you stick with one, but having 2 values to indicate absence of value (whatever the "type") is always confusing

I will give you my personal opinionated way of choosing between the two.

My simple question is: could the value, given another input/state/context be defined to something?

If the answer is yes then use null else use undefined. More generally any function returning an object should return null when the intended object does not exist. Because it could exist given another input/state/context.

null represents the absence of value for a given input/state/context. It implicitly means that the concept of the value itself exist in the context of your application but may be absent. In your example the concept of a next card exists but the card itself may not exist. null should be used.

undefined implicitly represents the absence of meaning of that value in your application's context. For example, if I manipulate a user object with a given set of properties and I try to access the property pikatchu. The value of this property should be set to undefined because in my context it doesn't make any sense to have such a property.

This rings so true to me. IMO pure functions should return null, while functions with side-effects should return undefined, when thinking like a functional programmer.
Aren't the default JS functions conflicting with this? When I use the find function, for example, it returns undefined when no value was found. But it could have returned something when I inputted something else, right?

I will argue there is no best way, and even standard functions sometimes choose one or the other.

For example:

[[Prototype]] Ordinary objects have a [[Prototype]] internal slot, which determines from which other object they inherit from. Of course, there must be a way to say that an object does not inherit from any other one. In this case, "there is no such object" is represented using null.

Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor It is expected to return a property descriptor, that is, an object which describes a property (e.g. value, writability, enumerability and configurability). However, the property may not exist. In this case, "there is no such property" is represented using undefined.

document.getElementById It is expected to return the element with the given ID. However, there might be no element with that ID. In this case, "there is no such element" is represented using null.

So just choose whatever you prefer or think makes more sense for your specific case.

after reading this I decided to suggest the void 0 technique for future viewers of this answer. I also added some code to try and make your point more clear. Thank you for your answer!
Great point here - another perfect example is Array.prototype.find().

Depends on what u need to do with the returned value.

typeof null returns an object. that object has a value of undefined

typeof undefined returns undefined

Personally i usually use null.
"that object has a value of undefined" No it's not and it's not an object, it's Null. typeof doesn't necessarily return the true data type of a value, it has a map that maps data types to labels and returns the corresponding label.
Don't trust typeof, despite its name it doesn't tell the type of a value.

undefined is not something you should assign to. You might want to consider to return something else other than undefined. In your case, even if you don't return anything at all, the result will be undefined already. So, I'd suggest to go with null instead.

Consider this sample,

function getSomething() {
     // .. do something
     return undefined;

function doSomething() {
     // .. I'm not gonna return anything.

var a = getSomething();
var b = doSomething();

Above sample result in a === b, which is undefined. The difference is that you save 1 statement execution.

@Oriol I mean, undefined does not have to be assigned. All declared variable without values are already undefined.
@JeremyIglehart That code actually does not return anything. And else, it gives undefined on my chrome and firefox console.
OK I didn't understand your point. Yes, if you don't return anything explicitly, undefined will be returned implicitly. But why does that matter?
@Oriol, I think what @choz was trying to say (as a few other also mentioned on this question) that if I want to return undefined if something else doesn't return earlier - I don't need to because the function's default behavior if you don't return anything is to return undefined - they are just saying that this is not needed. Further... I like what you had to say about built-in getter functions returning null. Please post your answer to that effect and I will accept it.
I still prefer to explicitly return undefined as it documents the intent of the code. Otherwise, when I see a function that doesn't return anything I have to ask myself if the dev who wrote it, just forgot to return something.

Here's an example where undefined makes more sense than null:

I use a wrapper function for JSON.parse that converts its exception to undefined:

// parses s as JSON if possible and returns undefined otherwise
// return undefined iff s is not a string or not parseable as JSON; undefined is not a valid JSON value
function JSON_parse_or_undefined(s) {
    if ("string" !== typeof s) return undefined

    try {
        const p = JSON.parse(s)
        return p
    } catch (x){}

    return undefined

Note that null is valid in JSON while undefined is not.

I see what you're doing there - and I can't say you're wrong - because in a sense I think you could do this here and it would be fine. I have a different pattern that I use to do this operation that I like better because I do a "validation" step after. I feel like this is getting validation mixed with returning the value. Here is what I do: let getStringOrJSON = value => { try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch(e) { return value; } return value; };. Now, I'm sure the two returns could be handled differently, and might not win the JS golf competition. It works.

I would argue that in this case, null should be returned.

If you consider the question from a theoretical computer science point of view then undefined is used to indicate non-termination/ non-computability (i.e. the placeholder for an undefined point x of a partial function f which is often written f(x) = ⊥).

getNextCard however seems to be able to compute the next card (if it exists) and also be able to compute if there is no next card. In other words, the function is total since it terminates for every input.

That being said, a special value signalling termination without meaningful result (i.e. "there's no card I can return for this input") is required and this for me is null not undefined.


You can see some support for this argument in some other typed languages as well where termination without meaningful result are expressed using an option type (sometimes also referred to as nullable type). An example for this is is Maybe in Haskell.

On the other hand, we of course do not know what undefined in JavaScript is really supposed to mean. So, the analogy to undefined is a bit tenous. Moreover, since we always want to work with total functions, this amounts to saying "never return undefined from a function". Which seems to be a bit strict, since it would limit the use of undefined to properties/ variables which have not been set.

In the end, my personal preference is never to return undefined where I can return null and I would also argue that this is the better coding convention (because among other things x !== null is shorter than typeof x !== 'undefined').


First answer is right. They have theoretically different meaning. However it's not always clear which to pick up.

I tend to use null in my development although I think that's completely subjective thing.

I use that mostly because:

undefined variable might be overwritten in old browsers so returning it is a little bit more complicated. This same issue forces you to use typeof var === 'undefined' when getting function results. link Other languages tend to use null widely, a lot of them don't even have undefined (php for example). That gives me kind of consistency when quickly swapping between languages.

Ryan Laboucane

I think it is very debatable what to use. I prefer code that is semantically as accurate as possible, so I think undefined is appropriate in this case.

I think of null assignments as meaning "a variable set to nothing". This is as opposed to undefined meaning "this thing isn't there at all"

As a previous answer pointed out, returning undefined has issues, and it's completely up to you whether that bothers you. It wouldn't bother me.

But document.getElementById('iDoNotExist') returns null, even though the meaning is closer to "this thing isn't there at all". If standard methods do it, why not OP?
@Oriol I actually like your reasoning the most. Please post an answer to this effect and I will accept it. ( I might even add a few edits if needed )
Yah @Oriol, this is why I actually enjoy debates, even on Q/A sites. It's really good to get counter examples. And you've provided a good one.
On the other hand, array.find() returns undefined if the array doesn't contain searched value. It's not consistent, I agree.