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Where to find composer's global packages?

For a plugin for Sublime Text I was required to install a composer package globally.

In order to do this I had to run the following command:

composer global require "asm89/twig-lint" "@stable"

The installation started running and a few seconds later the package was installed. Voila! Well, not really.

Step two was to add some lines to my Sublime Text configuration file:

    "user": {
        "paths": {
            "windows": ["C:\\Users\\yourname\\.composer\\vendor\\bin"]

However, the plugin is not working. So I decided to check the path. And it appears there is no .composer directory in my profile directory. It isn't in my php directory either. And I can't find it anywhere.

I would like to know if there's a way to locate this directory and would appreciate any suggestions that can help me get this plugin to work.


You can query Composer to find where it has set the user $COMPOSER_HOME directory.

composer config --list --global

The [home] ... line refers to the default value of $COMPOSER_HOME.

The word home can be used as a single parameter as well to show the configuration value.

Example (Windows):

> composer -n config --global home                

Example (Linux):

$ composer -n config --global home                

Just as a final confirmation - the 'yourname' part in the configuration, would very likely need to be updated with your own Windows username - composer config will say where it puts the files.

About the yourname part. I figured :)
You can just run composer config home.
I believe in this instance it would actually be composer global config home
@EdwardSammutAlessi The global command allows you to run other commands like install, remove, require or update as if you were running them from the COMPOSER_HOME directory. Documentation: Composer. global command
I get /data/.composer but there is no /data/ folder in my Ubuntu install...

You can use

composer global config bin-dir --absolute


PATH=$(composer global config bin-dir --absolute --quiet):$PATH

You need --absolute to get value expanded, and --quiet to discard diagnostics of composer global changing working directory. This was tested with composer 1.10.16 and 2.0.1.


Jay Soni

You may find in ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin

This is the case with my settings in Ubuntu 18
Ostap Brehin

Ubuntu 20.04:


This depends on composer version and environment configuration. You can also have it on Ubuntu 18.04 as you show it on Ubuntu 16.04 and vice-versa, even with the latest composer version IIRC.
Madan Sapkota

Run the command

composer config --list --global | grep -w home

You can find the find the [home] with composer path, similar to this one.

[home] /home/example_username/.config/composer

Better even not filter with grep but just return from the command directly. I edited the accepted answer to show it, it was also in the comments there.

For composer v2:

composer global config --list

Check the output and find [vendor-dir] parameter. Or use grep:

composer global config --list | grep "vendor-dir"

Taylor Evanson

On Windows, mine was /Users/taylor/AppData/Roaming/Composer/bin

Eren Sertkaya

~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/laravel adding this to my bashrc file as a alias works on ubuntu 20.04