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How to pass params with history.push/Link/Redirect in react-router v4?

How can we pass parameter with this.props.history.push('/page') in React-Router v4?

.then(response => {
       var r = this;
        if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
The component that is rendered by a Route should have access to this.props.location, this.props.history, etc. I think you don't need to use ref anymore with v4. Try doing this.props.history.push('/template');
It is not ref ,It is variable that pointing to this; this.props.history.push('/template'); take me to next page but i want to pass props with them .ref = this;
You're trying to pass props to the component that matches the route? I think this GitHub thread addresses your concern.
Could you please mark one of the replies as 'answer'. I am sure the people who spend time typing them will appreciate it.

Shubham Khatri

First of all, you need not do var r = this; as this in if statement refers to the context of the callback itself which since you are using arrow function refers to the React component context.

According to the docs:

history objects typically have the following properties and methods: length - (number) The number of entries in the history stack action - (string) The current action (PUSH, REPLACE, or POP) location - (object) The current location. May have the following properties: pathname - (string) The path of the URL search - (string) The URL query string hash - (string) The URL hash fragment state - (string) location-specific state that was provided to e.g. push(path, state) when this location was pushed onto the stack. Only available in browser and memory history. push(path, [state]) - (function) Pushes a new entry onto the history stack replace(path, [state]) - (function) Replaces the current entry on the history stack go(n) - (function) Moves the pointer in the history stack by n entries goBack() - (function) Equivalent to go(-1) goForward() - (function) Equivalent to go(1) block(prompt) - (function) Prevents navigation

So while navigating you can pass props to the history object like

  pathname: '/template',
  search: '?query=abc',
  state: { detail: }

or similarly for the Link component or the Redirect component

<Link to={{
      pathname: '/template',
      search: '?query=abc',
      state: { detail: }
    }}> My Link </Link>

and then in the component which is rendered with /template route, you can access the props passed like


Also keep in mind that, when using history or location objects from props you need to connect the component with withRouter.

As per the Docs:

withRouter You can get access to the history object’s properties and the closest 's match via the withRouter higher-order component. withRouter will re-render its component every time the route changes with the same props as render props: { match, location, history }.

yes, that worked.Thanks! But not sure why this.props.history.push('/template', not working. According to docs of push(path, [state]), don't you think it should work?
Thanks for this! In my case I was only passing history directly, so I accessed my prop via this.props.history.location.state.propName -
@SanketPatel you need to do this this.props.history.push('/template', {response:})
Is it possible to open the route in a new tab while passing data in the state variable when navigating you can pass props to the history object?
what about goBack() ? when navigating back with goBack(), I cannot see any of the history states in either props.location or props.history.location. Navigating forwards with push() it works fine
Branislav Lazic

Extending the solution (suggested by Shubham Khatri) for use with React hooks (16.8 onwards):

package.json (always worth updating to latest packages)


     "react": "^16.12.0",
     "react-router-dom": "^5.1.2",


Passing parameters with history push:

import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";

const FirstPage = props => {
    let history = useHistory();

    const someEventHandler = event => {
           pathname: '/secondpage',
           search: '?query=abc',
           state: { detail: 'some_value' }


export default FirstPage;

Accessing the passed parameter using useLocation from 'react-router-dom':

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";

const SecondPage = props => {
    const location = useLocation();

    useEffect(() => {
       console.log(location.pathname); // result: '/secondpage'
       console.log(; // result: '?query=abc'
       console.log(location.state.detail); // result: 'some_value'
    }, [location]);


Thank you so much, couldn't find an updated alternative except your answer!
Perfect!! Just perfect!!. Precisely what I've been looking for.

For the earlier versions: history.push('/[pathToSomeWhere]', yourData); And get the data in the related component just like below: this.props.location.state // it is equal to yourData For the newer versions the above way works well but there is a new way: history.push({ pathname: '/[pathToSomeWhere]', state: yourData, }); And get the data in the related component just like below: Class Component this.props.location.state; // it is equal to yourData Function Component const location = useLocation(); location.state; // it is equal to yourData

Sometime it will be needed to use Link or NavLink component instead of using history.push function. you can use like below:

    pathname: '/[pathToSomeWhere]',
    state: yourData

Hint: the state key name should be used in the latest version.


If you need to pass URL params

theres a great post explanation by Tyler McGinnis on his site, Link to the post

here are code examples:

on the history.push component: this.props.history.push(`/home:${this.state.userID}`) on the router component you define the route: on the Home component:

    const { myKey } = this.props.match.params
    console.log(myKey )

I have something like this, but if i refresh the page it completely crashes
@rabiaasif because the data is not there anymore, you need to persist it or by storing it in local storage

React TypeScript with Hooks

From a Class

      pathname: "/unauthorized",
      state: { message: "Hello" },

UnAuthorized Functional Component

interface IState {
  message?: string;

export default function UnAuthorized() {
  const location = useLocation();
  const message = (location.state as IState).message;

  return (
    <div className="jumbotron">

You're better off doing useLocation<IState>() so you don't have to assert in the next line
Abdulhakim Zeinu


history.push({pathname:"/yourroute",state: {_id: "0001", name: "AZ"}})


import React from 'react';

const YourRoute = props=> {
    const { _id, name } = (props.location && props.location.state) || {};
        //_id and name will contain the passed data


Here is a working example

Is there any way to send URL params as key value pairs? ?key1=value1&key2=value2
Sangeet Agarwal

I created a custom useQuery hook

import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";

const useQuery = (): URLSearchParams => {
  return new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search)

export default useQuery

Use it as

const query = useQuery();
const id = query.get("id") as string

Send it as so

 pathname: "/template",
 search: `id=${}`,

Zera FounderX

You can use location to send state to other component, like this

In your Source Component

this.props.history.push(pathComponent, sendState);

pathComponent is target component that will receive the state

In your Target Component you can receive the state like this if your use class component

Javascript version

constructor(props) {
  this.state = this.props.location.state

Typescript version

constructor(props: {}) {
  const receiveState = this.props.location.state as StateType // you must parse into your state interface or type
  this.state = receiveState


If you want to reset the received state. Use history to replace the location, like this

this.props.history({pathName: currentPath, state: resetState})

currentPath is the Target Component path resetState is new value state whatever you want

amazingly concise answer. With React Router v5, you can simply uselocation() hook const location = useLocation() const data = location.state
soma iyappan

To use React 16.8 (withHooks) functional component you can use this way We sending PhoneNumber to Next Page Login.js

    import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
    const history = useHistory();
        const handleOtpVerify=(phoneNumber)=>

<button onClick={handleOtpVerify}> Submit </button>


    import  useLocation  from 'react-router-dom';
    const [phoneNumber, setphoneNumber] = useState("")
        useEffect(() => {
            }, [location]);
    return (
    <p>We have sent Verification Code to your</p>

react router dom version 6.2.1 useHistory() deprecated changed useNavigate()

import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";

 const navigate = useNavigate()
 onClick={() => { navigate('/OtpVerifiy',{mobNo:phoneNumber}) }} 


It is not necessary to use withRouter. This works for me:

In your parent page,

        <Route path="/routeA" render={(props)=> (
          <ComponentA {...props} propDummy={50} />
        )} />

        <Route path="/routeB" render={(props)=> (
          <ComponentB {...props} propWhatever={100} />
          )} /> 

Then in ComponentA or ComponentB you can access


object, including the this.props.history.push method.

I think you didn't need withRouter because you wrapped your component with BrowserRouter, which works the same.
Yes and you are passing the props down into each component which include the history prop.
P Mill

To use React 16.8+(withHooks) you can use this way

import React from 'react';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';

export default function SomeFunctionalComponent() {
let history = useHistory(); // should be called inside react component

const handleClickButton = () => {    
       .then(response => {
             if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {

return ( <div> Some component stuff 
    <p>To make API POST request and redirect to "/template" click a button API CALL</p>
    <button onClick={handleClickButton}>API CALL<button>

Source here to read more

kamal pandey

Add on info to get query parameters.

const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
console.log('assuming query param is id', queryParams.get('id');

For more info about URLSearchParams check this link URLSearchParams

This is not at all relevant to React Router 4.