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How to do a PUT request with cURL?

How do I test a RESTful PUT (or DELETE) method using cURL?


Using the -X flag with whatever HTTP verb you want:

curl -X PUT -d arg=val -d arg2=val2 localhost:8080

This example also uses the -d flag to provide arguments with your PUT request.

"man curl" on -X: "Normally you don't need this option. All sorts of GET, HEAD, POST and PUT requests are rather invoked by using dedicated command line options." But I couldn't find another way.
A year later, I found a way! curl -T
As Martin C. Martin's answer also changes to GET after a redirect from the server this is the more useful answer in my opinion.
To achieve the GET after a redirect, add the parameter --location
Curl 7.47 and this would not work for me. theabraham's answer always defaults to post behavior. --get (or -G) however will force the -d (--data) fields to become url parameters and does work.

Quick Answer:

In a single line, the curl command would be:

If sending form data: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "key1=val1" "YOUR_URI" If sending raw data as json: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key1":"value"}' "YOUR_URI" If sending a file with a POST request: curl -X POST "YOUR_URI" -F 'file=@/file-path.csv'

Alternative solution:

You can use the POSTMAN app from Chrome Store to get the equivalent cURL request. This is especially useful when writing more complicated requests.

For the request with other formats or for different clients like java, PHP, you can check out POSTMAN/comment below.

No idea why this has been downvoted... I copied here the idea how to pass JSON body for curl PUT. Also postman is pretty awesome tool to get curl code for more complicated queries :)
Thanks !! Even I don't have any idea why about the downvotes. Might be reluctance of the users to adopt it. I have created a respo of all my REST apis for mobile in POSTMAN and that is the best productivity tip that I can suggest to anyone working with REST.
Real world example where I'm passing json data and parameter in the end point; curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"amount":"999","type":"car","parent_id":"12345"}' localhost:8080/transactionservice/transaction/2222
Having to install a complete browser (if one doesn't have Chrome) and an extension for it might be an overkill for some people imho. At least you could have provided an alternative for another more common (default installation) web browser like Firefox, where the HttpRequester does a similar job.
It might be downvoted because the question is about curl.
Tor Klingberg

An example PUT following Martin C. Martin's comment:

curl -T filename.txt

With -T (same as --upload-file) curl will use PUT for HTTP.

Unfortunately, the -T is no substitute for -X PUT if you want to specify parameters with -d or -F. -T sends the content of a file via PUT. To achieve the GET after a redirect, add the parameter --location
what if filename.txt is in remote server?
kalyani chaudhari
curl -X PUT -d 'new_value' URL_PATH/key


X - option to be used for request command

d - option to be used in order to put data on remote url

URL_PATH - remote url

new_value - value which we want to put to the server's key


I am late to this thread, but I too had a similar requirement. Since my script was constructing the request for curl dynamically, I wanted a similar structure of the command across GET, POST and PUT.

Here is what works for me

For PUT request:

curl --request PUT --url http://localhost:8080/put --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data 'bar=baz&foo=foo1'

For POST request:

curl --request POST --url http://localhost:8080/post --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data 'bar=baz&foo=foo1'

For GET request:

curl --request GET --url 'http://localhost:8080/get?foo=bar&foz=baz'