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Pad a string with leading zeros so it's 3 characters long in SQL Server 2008

I have a string that is up to 3 characters long when it's first created in SQL Server 2008 R2.

I would like to pad it with leading zeros, so if its original value was '1' then the new value would be '001'. Or if its original value was '23' the new value is '023'. Or if its original value is '124' then new value is the same as original value.

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. How would I do this using T-SQL?


If the field is already a string, this will work

 SELECT RIGHT('000'+ISNULL(field,''),3)

If you want nulls to show as '000'

It might be an integer -- then you would want

 SELECT RIGHT('000'+CAST(field AS VARCHAR(3)),3)

As required by the question this answer only works if the length <= 3, if you want something larger you need to change the string constant and the two integer constants to the width needed. eg '0000' and VARCHAR(4)),4

I had a Char(6) field that had a handful of values that were only 2-3 chars long and the above didn't work for me. I had to add an RTRIM around the '000000'+ISNULL(FIELD,'') for it to work.
Hogan yeah I got that, but no matter how long the string it didn't work, I'm a little too busy to figure out why but the gist of it is that with my CHAR(6) field just doing RIGHT('000000'+ISNULL(field,''),6) didn't work but RIGHT(RTRIM('000000'+ISNULL(field,'')),6) did.
oh I understand, you had spaces to the right of a number encoded as a string.
@dwiener you got this behaviour because a char is a fixed length data type, so in your case char(6) means 6 chars long. If your actual value is less than 6 it is padded with blanks to the right so the proposed answer would produce incorect result for a char(6).
@Hogan, yes, but this question is top1 google result for "sql add leading zeros", so i think it would be usefull for many people (who don't use sqlserver, but google this question) to know that in other databases may exists more convient function lpad. Thank you anyway.

Although the question was for SQL Server 2008 R2, in case someone is reading this with version 2012 and above, since then it became much easier by the use of FORMAT.

You can either pass a standard numeric format string or a custom numeric format string as the format argument (thank Vadim Ovchinnikov for this hint).

For this question for example a code like

DECLARE @myInt INT = 1;
-- One way using a standard numeric format string
PRINT FORMAT(@myInt,'D3');
-- Other way using a custom numeric format string
PRINT FORMAT(@myInt,'00#');



What happens if the input number is 111 or 11?
For 1 it's 001, for 11 it's 011 and for 111 it's 111
You can use 'D3' instead of '00#'.
it seems to be considerably slower than the accepted answer but sooo much easier if not working with large amounts of data
Although it seems illogical, it's worth noting that FORMAT only works with numeric and date types, not varchar.

The safe method:

SELECT REPLACE(STR(n,3),' ','0')

This has the advantage of returning the string '***' for n < 0 or n > 999, which is a nice and obvious indicator of out-of-bounds input. The other methods listed here will fail silently by truncating the input to a 3-character substring.

Damn, whoever lands on this page should help this float to the top!
Becareful with this method. When the expression exceeds the specified length, the string returns ** for the specified length. for e.g. str(n, 10), when n = 1000000000 then you will have stars (*) appearing.
I dont know how this works but is amazing and simple.
Careful with this one, strings break it (and the OP asked for "padding a string"). Works: SELECT REPLACE(STR('1',3),' ','0') Breaks: SELECT REPLACE(STR('1A',3),' ','0'). This just burned me today when a user entered a letter in the input string and I failed to test that case.
@Unbound This is how it's intended to work, the poster already says it. Better to return *** than a truncated value as all the other proposals do, it shows that the parameters were wrong.

Here is a variant of Hogan's answer which I use in SQL Server Express 2012:

SELECT RIGHT(CONCAT('000', field), 3)

Instead of worrying if the field is a string or not, I just CONCAT it, since it'll output a string anyway. Additionally if the field can be a NULL, using ISNULL might be required to avoid function getting NULL results.

SELECT RIGHT(CONCAT('000', ISNULL(field,'')), 3)

As far as I remember CONCAT just ignores the value if it is null so the first one works fine.
This solution would work regardless of the len of Field
Be careful, this solution will break if the length of the field is greater than 3. SELECT RIGHT(CONCAT('000', '87679'), 3) --> 679
you can use like this to solve the issue if length is greater than three: SELECT RIGHT(CONCAT('000', field), CASE WHEN LEN(field) <3 THEN 3 ELSE LEN(field) END)
Nicholas Carey

Here's a more general technique for left-padding to any desired width:

declare @x     int     = 123 -- value to be padded
declare @width int     = 25  -- desired width
declare @pad   char(1) = '0' -- pad character

select right_justified = replicate(
                           @pad ,
                       + convert(varchar(100),@x)

However, if you're dealing with negative values, and padding with leading zeroes, neither this, nor other suggested technique will work. You'll get something that looks like this:


[Probably not what you wanted]

So … you'll have to jump through some additional hoops Here's one approach that will properly format negative numbers:

declare @x     float   = -1.234
declare @width int     = 20
declare @pad   char(1) = '0'

select right_justified = stuff(
         convert(varchar(99),@x) ,                            -- source string (converted from numeric value)
         case when @x < 0 then 2 else 1 end ,                 -- insert position
         0 ,                                                  -- count of characters to remove from source string
         replicate(@pad,@width-len(convert(varchar(99),@x)) ) -- text to be inserted

One should note that the convert() calls should specify an [n]varchar of sufficient length to hold the converted result with truncation.

@StenPetrov, Thank you. It all depends on what you're trying to accomplish. The one thing I've learned to depend on in large, real-world production databases is the presence of bad data of one sort or another. And I prefer to avoid the 3 AM phone calls if I possibly can ;^)
:) still when that 3AM call comes in I'd much rather have to read 1 simple line than 10 complex ones. Adding variables further makes things worse, especially if another team member decided to calculate them on the fly and didn't check for non-negative @width...
Those added variables are just for generalization -- you can hard code the values. For the one liner, you can create a scalar function -- then you have your one liner.

I have always found the following method to be very helpful.

REPLICATE('0', 5 - LEN(Job.Number)) + CAST(Job.Number AS varchar) as 'NumberFull'


Use this function which suits every situation.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnNumPadLeft (@input INT, @pad tinyint)
    DECLARE @NumStr VARCHAR(250)

    SET @NumStr = LTRIM(@input)

    IF(@pad > LEN(@NumStr))
        SET @NumStr = REPLICATE('0', @Pad - LEN(@NumStr)) + @NumStr;

    RETURN @NumStr;

Sample output

SELECT [dbo].[fnNumPadLeft] (2016,10) -- returns 0000002016
SELECT [dbo].[fnNumPadLeft] (2016,5) -- returns 02016
SELECT [dbo].[fnNumPadLeft] (2016,2) -- returns 2016
SELECT [dbo].[fnNumPadLeft] (2016,0) -- returns 2016 

This should be the accepted answer because it works on numbers and strings. And if you don't want to use a function (but why not) something like this also works: DECLARE @NumStr VARCHAR(250) = '2016'; SELECT REPLICATE('0', 12 - LEN(@NumStr)) + @NumStr; which returns Salar's first example above. Thanks Salar.
My comment above contained a typo, it should read: DECLARE @NumStr VARCHAR(250) = '2016'; SELECT REPLICATE('0', 10 - LEN(@NumStr)) + @NumStr; which returns 0000002016 in the first example above.
@JeffMergler - how does this work on numbers and strings? It is a function that takes an integer parameter. The question was about strings.
Alan B. Dee

For those wanting to update their existing data here is the query:

update SomeEventTable set eventTime=RIGHT('00000'+ISNULL(eventTime, ''),5)


I know this is an old ticket but I just thought I'd share this:

I found this code which provides a solution. Not sure if it works on all versions of MSSQL; I have MSSQL 2016.

declare @value as nvarchar(50) = 23
select REPLACE(STR(CAST(@value AS INT) + 1,4), SPACE(1), '0') as Leadingzero

This returns "0023".

The 4 in the STR function is the total length, including the value. For example, 4, 23 and 123 will all have 4 in STR and the correct amount of zeros will be added. You can increase or decrease it. No need to get the length on the 23.

Edit: I see it's the same as the post by @Anon.


For integers you can use implicit conversion from int to varchar:

SELECT RIGHT(1000 + field, 3)

However, that will fail given a sufficiently large value, further, for negative values, you'll get...interesting results.

Try this with fixed length.

select right('000000'+'123',5)

select REPLICATE('0', 5 - LEN(123)) + '123'

Etan A Ehsanfar

I had similar problem with integer column as input when I needed fixed sized varchar (or string) output. For instance, 1 to '01', 12 to '12'. This code works:

SELECT RIGHT(CONCAT('00',field::text),2)

If the input is also a column of varchar, you can avoid the casting part.


For a more dynamic approach try this.

declare @val varchar(5)
declare @maxSpaces int
set @maxSpaces = 3
set @val = '3'
select concat(REPLICATE('0',@maxSpaces-len(@val)),@val)


Wrote this because I had requirements for up to a specific length (9). Pads the left with the @pattern ONLY when the input needs padding. Should always return length defined in @pattern.

declare @charInput as char(50) = 'input'

--always handle NULL :)
set @charInput = isnull(@charInput,'')

declare @actualLength as int = len(@charInput)

declare @pattern as char(50) = '123456789'
declare @prefLength as int = len(@pattern)

if @prefLength > @actualLength
    select Left(Left(@pattern, @prefLength-@actualLength) + @charInput, @prefLength)
    select @charInput

Returns 1234input

Tom Aranda

Simple is that





Finally I decide to use this:

RIGHT(STUFF(ReceiptNum, 1, 0, replicate('0',10)),10)


I came here specifically to work out how I could convert my timezoneoffset to a timezone string for converting dates to DATETIMEOFFSET in SQL Server 2008. Gross, but necessary.

So I need 1 method that will cope with negative and positive numbers, formatting them to two characters with a leading zero if needed. Anons answer got me close, but negative timezone values would come out as 0-5 rather than the required -05

So with a bit of a tweak on his answer, this works for all timezone hour conversions

DECLARE @n INT = 13 -- Works with -13, -5, 0, 5, etc
    WHEN @n < 0 THEN '-' + REPLACE(STR(@n * -1 ,2),' ','0') 
    ELSE '+' + REPLACE(STR(@n,2),' ','0') END + ':00'

Angel F Syrus

I created this function which caters for bigint and one leading zero or other single character (max 20 chars returned) and allows for length of results less than length of input number:

create FUNCTION fnPadNum (
  @Num BIGINT --Number to be padded, @sLen BIGINT --Total length of results , @PadChar varchar(1))
  --Pads bigint with leading 0's
            --Sample:  "select dbo.fnPadNum(201,5,'0')" returns "00201"
            --Sample:  "select dbo.fnPadNum(201,5,'*')" returns "**201"
            --Sample:  "select dbo.fnPadNum(201,5,' ')" returns "  201"
     DECLARE @Results VARCHAR(20)
     SELECT @Results = CASE 
     WHEN @sLen >= len(ISNULL(@Num, 0))
     THEN replicate(@PadChar, @sLen - len(@Num)) + CAST(ISNULL(@Num, 0) AS VARCHAR)

     RETURN @Results

      SELECT dbo.fnPadNum(201, 5,'0')
      SELECT dbo.fnPadNum(201, 5,'*')
      SELECT dbo.fnPadNum(201, 5,' ')