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Escape @ character in razor view engine

I am creating a sample ASP.NET MVC 3 site using Razor as view engine. The razor syntax starts with @ character e.g. @RenderBody(). If I write @test on my cshtml page it gives me parse error

CS0103: The name 'test' does not exist in the current context

How do I escape '@' character?

In C#, you can mark keywords with an @ to treat them as variable names rather than keywords. With all I know, it seems impossible to use reserved keywords in Razor this way.
@GrimaceofDespair the way to still mark keywords as variables is to enclose the second @ in braces. I managed to get this working by writing it this way: @(@new)

Tim Cooper

@@ should do it.

This doesn't seem to work in this case: @RazorCodePart1 @@ @RazorCodePart2 e.g. a literal @ between two Razor code snippets.
The best solution would be using the HTML-encoded character string for the @-character: @
I've got a <style> tag in my razor page, which has to embed an '@media {}' directive, so html encoding is not an option; only @@ works.
@WoIIe not in a URL.
In href use @("@")
Emre Karahan

Razor @ escape char to symbols...

<img src="..." alt="Find me on twitter as @("@username")" />


<img src="..." alt="Find me on twitter as @("@")username" />

This method seems the best as it will also work for @media css stuff, whereas the HTML entity way probably will not.
Nice! Thanks a lot :)
You nailed it, Thanks :)
Worked well. Thanks.
Great, I find this code easier for everyone to understand it
Rosue Don-Chip Walford

@Html.Raw("@") seems to me to be even more reliable than @@, since not in all cases @@ will escape.


<meta name="twitter:site" content="@twitterSite">

would be:

<meta name="twitter:site" content="@Html.Raw("@")twitterSite">

And how do i use this on a huge text with several paragraphs? I have tried with ` instead of " but the result is questionable. No errors on blank rows but error on ` character.
Kasper Skov

use <text></text> or the easier way @:

It's odd the (at sign colon) @: character sequence syntax doesn't work for me, as I try to upgrade my ASP.NET MVC 3 project to MVC4. The exception I get is: "":" is not valid at the start of a code block. Only identifiers, keywords, comments, "(" and "{" are valid."
@Michael That's weird. They must have removed it in version 4.
Hi Kasper Skov, I found the @: issue was not actually related to @: at all. It was related to unnecessarily using @Model, in a @if() {} block. The fix was to drop the at sign on Model. I need to avoid using @ when already in server scope.…

Instead of HTML entity I prefer the use of @Html.Raw("@").


@@ is the escape character for @ in Razor views as stated above.

Razor does however try to work out when an '@' is just an '@' and where it marks C# (or VB.Net) code. One of the main uses for this is to identify email addresses within a Razor view - it should not be necessary to escape the @ character in an email address.

I have not found a way for Razor/ and using Prismjs. I tried all above for Edit

For the question about @RazorCodePart1 @@ @RazorCodePart2, you need to the sequence:

@RazorCodePart1 @:@@ @RazorCodePart2

I know, it looks a bit odd, but it works and will get you the literal character '@' between the code blocks.


I just had the same problem. I declared a variable putting my text with the @.

   var twitterSite = "@MyTwitterSite";


<meta name="twitter:site" content="@twitterSite">

This was the only one working for me and being valid for Open Graph debuggers.

this work for me

<meta name="author" content="Alan van Buuren @("@Alan_van_Buuren")">

Or yoy can use: @@Alan_van_Buuren


Hector Soto

I know this question is old, but I tried all of the above and it didn't help me escape the character "@" in ASP.NET framework (MVC 5) inside a URL. Based on Terje Solem's answer though, the UTF-8 code %40 worked for me. this is the original URL I was trying to reach:

this is what worked for me in my code:


I tried all the options above and none worked. This is what I did that worked :

    string str = @"[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,3}$";

   <input type="text" id="txtEmail" required name="email" pattern=@str /> 

I created a string varible and passed all the RegEx pattern code into it, then used the variable in the html, and Razor was cool with it.

Abdus Salam Azad

You can use @@ for this purpose. Like var email = firstName + '\@@' + domain;


just add a variable in CSHTML file var myVariable = @"@";

and add it to your layout <span class="my-class"><a href="@myVariale" target="_blank" >link text</a></span>

Terje Solem

I couldn't get any of these to work inside my placeholder attribute, so I used xml special character.

<input type="text" placeholder="fex: firstname&#64;"/>

See more examples here.

My need was to add @ in meta tag. and this works fine. @@ doesn't work there.

Actually @ should be used with the Razor syntax Keywords or to the variable/model to bind a Value.

For Eg: if test is assigned with value i.e @ { var test = "ABC" } then you can get the value by settings as @test anywhere is cshtml page in html part. otherwise, simple use as @Html.DisplayName("test")