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Difference between an it block and a specify block in RSpec

What is the difference between an it block and a specify block in RSpec?

subject { MovieList.add_new(10) }

specify { subject.should have(10).items }
it { subject.track_number.should == 10}

They seem to do the same job. Just checking to be sure.

Michelle Tilley

The methods are the same; they are provided to make specs read in English nicer based on the body of your test. Consider these two:

describe Array do
  describe "with 3 items" do
    before { @arr = [1, 2, 3] }

    specify { @arr.should_not be_empty }
    specify { @arr.count.should eq(3) }

describe Array do
  describe "with 3 items" do
    subject { [1, 2, 3] }

    it { should_not be_empty }
    its(:count) { should eq(3) }

You're correct, Brandon, it and specify are identical methods. You can see where they're defined here in the source.
Excellent catch! Amazing what you can find from reading the source. :) I'll update the answer.
Here is a gist with the examples methods names as of december 2013: (example, it, specify, focus, ...)
better rspec advise against the use of should, and in favor of expect
UPDATE to the excellent link from @Jordan:… is now the spot where to find it.