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How can I stop redis-server?

I apparently have a redis-server instance running because when I try to start a new server by entering redis-server, I'm greeted with the following:

Opening port: bind: Address already in use

I can't figure out how to stop this server and start a new one.

Is there any command I can append to redis-server when I'm typing in the CLI?

My OS is Ubuntu 10.04.

Which OS and distribution are you using?
Ladies and gentlemen, if you did not install redis via the package manager, and you installed it from source, then it might not work with systemv or upstart or systemd on ubuntu. Thus, the selected answer will not work by default. The second answer, which is not marked correct, appears to be more reliable.
Tip: testing whether a Redis server is running can be done via redis-cli ping. A running Redis server will respond with PONG.
Good Question Buddy


Either connect to node instance and use shutdown command or if you are on ubuntu you can try to restart redis server through init.d:

/etc/init.d/redis-server restart

or stop/start it:

/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
/etc/init.d/redis-server start

On Mac

redis-cli shutdown

You can only do that if you set up redis that way. Kevin McTigue's answer works with minimal setup.
On OS X you'll probably have to use launchctl to do this, and on other systems, systemctl or service.
On some machines sudo /etc/init.d/redis stop will work
On modern Ubuntu, I just use service redis-server stop and service redis-server start, after having installed it with apt-get install redis-server.
This only works if you have redis-server running as a service. If it is running as a stand alone executable, then you will need to explicitly stop the process. Here are the steps I used to stop the process: pkill redis-server on a linux box
Kevin McTigue

A cleaner, more reliable way is to go into redis-cli and then type shutdown

In redis-cli, type help @server and you will see this near the bottom of the list:

SHUTDOWN - summary: Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server since: 0.07

And if you have a redis-server instance running in a terminal, you'll see this:

User requested shutdown...
[6716] 02 Aug 15:48:44 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
[6716] 02 Aug 15:48:44 * DB saved on disk
[6716] 02 Aug 15:48:44 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...

Or don't even start redis-cli. Just send it from the command line via redis-cli shutdown. (you can send any command like this, for example redis-cli set cat dog; redis-cli get cat)
The only caveat to @jessebuesking comment is that if you've set up password protection, redis-cli set cat dog; redis-cli get cat changes to redis-cli -a mypassword set cat dog; redis-cli -a mypassword get cat, which can be annoying after a few commands.
@glarrain one thing you could do to avoid the redundancy is set an alias for your current bash session, for instance alias redis-cli="redis-cli -a mypassword". This way you can make the calls like in my original comment without having to re-supply your password on each use.
@jessebuesking very creative! Wouldn't have thought about solution. For some reason I'm a little afraid of putting passwords in config files
@glarrain don't take my word for it, but I think doing this will only store it in memory for the current session (aka don't add it to your bashrc or bash_profile, just enter it as-is from your prompt).

redis-cli shutdown is most effective. The accepted answer does not work for me (OSX Lion). Thanks, @JesseBuesking.

yep, the accepted answer works only for Linux systems with Redis set up as a service in the depicted way
This also works on Windows. redis-cli.exe shutdown
As I mentioned above, it's a pity that this (rather obvious) method is so hard to find. I expected that redis-cli --help could have covered this case.
I'm on Ubuntu and get a failure: "(error) ERR unknown command shutdown, with args beginning with:"
I'm on Ubuntu and redis-cli shutdown nosave did the trick.
Ray Hunter

For OSX, I created the following aliases for starting and stopping redis (installed with Homebrew):

alias redstart='redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/6379.conf'
alias redstop='redis-cli -h -p 6379 shutdown'

This has worked great for local development!

Homebrew now has homebrew-services that can be used to start, stop and restart services. homebrew-services

brew services is automatically installed when run.

brew services start|run redis 
brew services stop redis
brew services restart redis

If you use run, then it will not start it at login (nor boot). start will start the redis service and add it at login and boot.

If you installed redis using homebrew, brew services stop redis also works! :)
I would recommend using brew services now for handling the starting and stopping for the defaults. If you need a little more control then there are also other options.
This is the best answer as it works on all linux flavours and mac, including those installed using apt, yum , brew or downloading. Wether they have upstart or init or system d scripts or not. Thanks
I like the name of the aliases :) Cool!
what should I do if I want to restart and not shutdown @RayHunter

stop the redis server type in terminal with root user

sudo service redis-server stop

the message will be display after stop the redis-server

Stopping redis-server: redis-server.

if you want to start the redis-server type

sudo service redis-server start

if you want to restart the server type

sudo service redis-server restart

I wonder if this is still valid for new Redis versions if configured by default. Issuing service --status-all won't show redis, hence any service command will fail against redis-server. But redis does show in ps -ef. I just cannot find any related document.
Looks on Ubuntu 18.04 sudo service redis start/stop/status does the same, both go.
Martin Thoma

Type SHUTDOWN in the CLI


if your don't care about your data in memory, you may also type SHUTDOWN NOSAVE to force shutdown the server.


Try killall redis-server. You may also use ps aux to find the name and pid of your server, and then kill it with kill -9 here_pid_number.

This is great, works on mac / unix. (Mac tested, unix approved)
Bad idea to hard-kill a DB server. Always prefer a proper shutdown, or at least, kill -15 instead of kill -9.
@ZsoltSzilagy you should provide a link or somewhat of an explanation why it's a bad idea. Like how redis does delayed writes, so that there will still be uncommited data in memory.
@notbad.jpeg, of course, you can also drop your computer on the floor. If the table is high enough, this should also stop the server. Do I need a link or somewhat of an explanation as to why this is a bad idea?
With this method you're not thinking about the redis database state. You're using an OS functionality to shutdown an application instead of using the application itself or a daemon, which is probably using application functionality too. This solution is like unplugging the cable to shutdown the TV.
App Work

Option 1: go to redis installation directory and navigate to src , in my case :

/opt/redis3/src/redis-cli -p 6379 shutdown

where 6379 is the default port.

Option 2: find redis process and kill

ps aux | grep redis-server

t6b3fg   22292  0.0  0.0 106360  1588 pts/0    S+   01:19   0:00 /bin/sh /sbin/service redis start
t6b3fg   22299  0.0  0.0  11340  1200 pts/0    S+   01:19   0:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/redis start

And Then initiate kill:

kill -9 22292

kill -9 22299

I'm using Centos 6.7 , x86_64

hope it helps


Another way could be:

ps -ef | grep -i 'redis-server'
kill -9 PID owned by redis

Works on *NIX & OSX

@JoenasE, no, this should not be the accepted answer IMO. Having the OS kill a running process neglects the case that the application might have some data in memory not yet saved to a more persistent store. Shutting down the application via a method provided by the application is preferably a better option.
Karthekeyan Devanand

MacOSX - It Worked :)

Step 1 : Find the previously Running Redis Server

ps auxx | grep redis-server

Step 2 : Kill the specific process by finding PID (Process ID) - Redis Sever

kill -9 PID

Bedram Tamang

I would suggest to disable Redis-server, which prevents auto start while computer restarts and very useful to use docker like tools etc.

Step 1: Stop the redis-server

sudo service redis-server stop

Step 2: Disable the redis-server

sudo systemctl disable redis-server

if you need redis, you can start it as:

sudo service redis-server start

gia huy

if you did make install (e.g ubuntu) while installing redis then you can do:

redis-cli shutdown

as pointed by @yojimbo87 :)


systemd, ubuntu 16.04:

$ sudo systemctl is-active redis-server

$ sudo systemctl is-enabled redis-server

$ sudo systemctl disable redis-server
Synchronizing state of redis-server.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install disable redis-server
Removed /etc/systemd/system/redis.service.

$ sudo systemctl stop redis-server


Usually this problem arises after I shut down my computer ( or leaving running ) an irregular way.. I believe the port gets stuck open, while the process stops but continues to be bound to the previous port.

9/10 times the fix can be:

$ ps aux | grep redis

-> MyUser 2976  0.0  0.0  2459704    320   ??  S    Wed01PM   0:29.94 redis-server *:6379

$ kill 2976

$ redis-server

Good to go.

Ihor Pavlyk

Another way could be :

brew services stop redis

+10 for this, it works without apology on mac! this also works ™brew services start redis™ ¢brew services restart redis¢

If you know on what port it would be running(by default it would be 6379), you can use below command to get the pid of the process using that port and then can execute kill command for the same pid.

sudo lsof -i : <port> | awk '{print $2}'

the above command will give you pid.

kill <pid>;

This would shutdown your server.

Mahesh Hegde

Following worked for me on MAC

 ps aux | grep 'redis-server' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo kill -9


If you know on which port(default:6379) your redis server is running you can go with option 1 or you can check your redis process and you can kill with option 2

option 1: Kill process on port:

check     : sudo lsof -t -i:6379
kill      : sudo kill `sudo lsof -t -i:6379`

option 2: Find the previously Running Redis Server:

 ps auxx | grep redis-server

Kill the specific process by finding PID (Process ID) - Redis Sever

kill -9 PID

Now start your redis server with

redis-server /path/to/redis.conf 


In my case it was:

/etc/init.d/redismaster stop
/etc/init.d/redismaster start

To find out what is your service name, you can run:

sudo updatedb
locate redis

And it will show you every Redis files in your system.

Wladek Surala

If you are running redis in a docker container, none of the present answers will help. You have to stop redis container. Otherwise, redis process will keep respawning.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    PORTS                             
e1c008ab04a2        bitnami/redis:4.0.8-r0>6379/tcp

$ docker stop e1c008ab04a2


I don't know specifically for redis, but for servers in general:

What OS or distribution? Often there will be a stop or /etc/init.d/... command that will be able to look up the existing pid in a pid file.

You can look up what process is already bound to the port with sudo netstat -nlpt (linux options; other netstat flavors will vary) and signal it to stop. I would not use kill -9 on a running server unless there really is no other signal or method to shut it down.


The commands below works for me on Ubuntu Server

$ service /etc/init.d/redis_6379 stop
$ service /etc/init.d/redis_6379 start
$ service /etc/init.d/redis_6379 restart

Madhusudan chowdary

To stop redis server

sudo service redis-server stop

and check the status of it using

sudo service redis-server status

Ákos Kovács

If Redis is installed via snap:

sudo snap stop redis.server


On MacOSX,

This is what worked for me

/etc/init.d/redis restart

/etc/init.d/redis stop

/etc/init.d/redis start

Lauren Marie Lahm

One thing to check if the redis commands are not working for you is if your is actually being created. You specify the location of where this file is in


and it should have a section that looks something like this:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf

Check the location and permissions of the PIDFile directory (in my case, '/run/redis'). I was trying to restart the service logged in as deploy but the directory permissions were listed as

drwxrwsr-x  2 redis    redis      40 Jul 20 17:37 redis

If you need a refresher on linux permissions, check this out. But the problem was I was executing the restart as my deploy user which the permissions above are r-x, not allowing my user to write to the PIDFile directory.

Once I realized that, I logged in using root, reran the restart command on the redis (service redis restart) and everything worked. That was a headache but hopefully this saves someone a little time.

Robert Lujo

Redis has configuration parameter pidfile (e.g. /etc/redis.conf - check redis source code), for example:

# If a pid file is specified, Redis writes it where specified at startup
# and removes it at exit.
# When the server runs non daemonized, no pid file is created if none is
# specified in the configuration. When the server is daemonized, the pid file
# is used even if not specified, defaulting to "/var/run/".
pidfile /var/run/

If it is set or could be set, instead of searching for process id (pid) by using ps + grep something like this could be used:

kill $(cat /var/run/

If required one can make redis stop script like this (adapted default redis 5.0 init.d script in redis source code):

if [ ! -f $PIDFILE ]
    echo "$PIDFILE does not exist, process is not running"
    PID=$(cat $PIDFILE)
    echo "Stopping ..."
    kill $PID
    while [ -x /proc/${PID} ]
        echo "Waiting for Redis to shutdown ..."
        sleep 1
    echo "Redis stopped"


You can try this code:

sudo kill -9 $(ps aux | grep 'redis' | awk '{print $2}')