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How Do I Convert an Integer to a String in Excel VBA?

How do I convert the integer value "45" into the string value "45" in Excel VBA?

B. Go

CStr(45) is all you need (the Convert String function)

CStr(45), to be precise.
this will not work for e+ converted numbers! i.e 7.7685099559e+11 will be shown as "7.7685099559e+11" not as expected: "776850995590" So I rather to say this will be more generic one:CStr(CDbl(***))
It may answer the question's needs, but it's also incomplete and insufficient in some circumstances. Often (e.g. for file-naming purposes) you might want to create zero-prefixed numbers, such that 7 becomes 007. You may also want to specify the number of decimals or include thousand separators. If these details are important to you:

Try the CStr() function

Dim myVal as String;
Dim myNum as Integer;

myVal = "My number is:"
myVal = myVal & CStr(myNum);

VBA does not need semicolons (the ; char to detect statement end)

Most times, you won't need to "convert"; VBA will do safe implicit type conversion for you, without the use of converters like CStr.

The below code works without any issues, because the variable is of Type String, and implicit type conversion is done for you automatically!

Dim myVal As String
Dim myNum As Integer

myVal = "My number is: "
myVal = myVal & myNum


"My number is: 0"

You don't even have to get that fancy, this works too:

Dim myString as String
myString = 77


The only time you WILL need to convert is when the variable Type is ambiguous (e.g., Type Variant, or a Cell's Value (which is Variant)).

Even then, you won't have to use CStr function if you're compounding with another String variable or constant. Like this:

Sheet1.Range("A1").Value = "My favorite number is " & 7

"My favorite number is 7"

So, really, the only rare case is when you really want to store an integer value, into a variant or Cell value, when not also compounding with another string (which is a pretty rare side case, I might add):

Dim i as Integer
i = 7
Sheet1.Range("A1").Value = i


Dim i as Integer
i = 7
Sheet1.Range("A1").Value = CStr(i)


I don't understand why this answer doesn't have more votes, given it is true. It is worth noting that type conversion is not always carried out, it depends on the operator in use. For example the + operation will not always widen an integer to a string.
@MarkCh I know this is old, but... perhaps because VBA's obnoxious implicit conversions and default member calls are what makes so much VBA code frail, surprising and bug-prone? There wouldn't be half as many VBA questions on SO if it wasn't of implicit conversions, implicit accessibility, implicit default member access, implicit 1-based arrays with Option Base 1, implicit typing with Def[Type] (boy that's EVIL!), implicit... you get it - the only good implicit thing in VBA is the implicit call syntax that made the explicit Call obsolete.
Julian Kuchlbauer

In my case, the function CString was not found. But adding an empty string to the value works, too.

Dim Test As Integer, Test2 As Variant
Test = 10
Test2 = Test & ""
//Test2 is now "10" not 10

Nobody talked about CString, which is a VB.NET function. Concatenating an empty string literal to make a string is a pretty lame conversion method. Use CStr for explicit type conversions - this is an implicit type conversion and raises eyebrows of anyone reading that code. Sorry I found this answer so late after it was posted, I wish I could have downvoted it much earlier.

If the string you're pulling in happens to be a hex number such as E01, then Excel will translate it as 0 even if you use the CStr function, and even if you first deposit it in a String variable type. One way around the issue is to append ' to the beginning of the value.

For example, when pulling values out of a Word table, and bringing them to Excel:

strWr = "'" & WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(iRow, iCol).Range.Text)


The shortest way without declaring the variable is with Type Hints :

s$ =  123   ' s = "123"
i% = "123"  ' i =  123

This will not compile with Option Explicit. The types will not be Variant but String and Integer

Gajendra Santosh

    Sub NumToText(ByRef sRng As String, Optional ByVal WS As Worksheet)
    '---Converting visible range form Numbers to Text
        Dim Temp As Double
        Dim vRng As Range
        Dim Cel As Object

        If WS Is Nothing Then Set WS = ActiveSheet
            Set vRng = WS.Range(sRng).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
            For Each Cel In vRng
                If Not IsEmpty(Cel.Value) And IsNumeric(Cel.Value) Then
                    Temp = Cel.Value
                    Cel.NumberFormat = "@"
                    Cel.Value = CStr(Temp)
                End If
            Next Cel
    End Sub

    Sub Macro1()
        Call NumToText("A2:A100", ActiveSheet)
    End Sub

Reffer: – Convert numbers to text with VBA


The accepted answer is good for smaller numbers, most importantly while you are taking data from excel sheets. as the bigger numbers will automatically converted to scientific numbers i.e. e+10. So I think this will give you more general answer. I didn't check if it have any downfall or not.


this will work for e+ converted numbers! as the just CStr(7.7685099559e+11) will be shown as "7.7685099559e+11" not as expected: "776850995590" So I rather to say my answer will be more generic result.

Regards, M

Stephen Rauch

Another way to do it is to splice two parsed sections of the numerical value together:

Cells(RowNum, ColumnNum).Value = Mid(varNumber,1,1) & Mid(varNumber,2,Len(varNumber))

I have found better success with this than CStr() because CStr() doesn't seem to convert decimal numbers that came from variants in my experience.


If you have a valid integer value and your requirement is to compare values, you can simply go ahead with the comparison as seen below.

Sub t()

Dim i As Integer
Dim s  As String

' pass
i = 65
s = "65"
If i = s Then
MsgBox i
End If

' fail - Type Mismatch
i = 65
s = "A"
If i = s Then
MsgBox i
End If
End Sub