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How to use RSpec's should_raise with any kind of exception?

I'd like to do something like this:

some_method.should_raise <any kind of exception, I don't care>

How should I do this?

some_method.should_raise exception

... doesn't work.

expect { some_method }.to raise_error

RSpec 1 Syntax:

lambda { some_method }.should raise_error

See the documentation (for RSpec 1 syntax) and RSpec 2 documentation for more.

ahh.. I just noticed the curly braces!

RSpec 2

expect { some_method }.to raise_error
expect { some_method }.to raise_error(SomeError)
expect { some_method }.to raise_error("oops")
expect { some_method }.to raise_error(/oops/)
expect { some_method }.to raise_error(SomeError, "oops")
expect { some_method }.to raise_error(SomeError, /oops/)
expect { some_method }.to raise_error(...){|e| expect( eq "oops" }

# Rspec also offers to_not:
expect { some_method }.to_not raise_error

Note: raise_error and raise_exception are interchangeable.

RSpec 1

lambda { some_method }.should raise_error
lambda { some_method }.should raise_error(SomeError)
lambda { some_method }.should raise_error(SomeError, "oops")
lambda { some_method }.should raise_error(SomeError, /oops/)
lambda { some_method }.should raise_error(...){|e| == "oops" }

# Rspec also offers should_not:
lambda { some_method }.should_not raise_error

Note: raise_error is an alias for raise_exception.


RSpec 2:

RSpec 1:

raise_error(/oops/) is a great way to check substring in exception message
Thanks for pointing out that raise_error and for raise_exception are interchangeable (y)

Instead of lambda, use expect to:

   expect { some_method }.to raise_error

This is applies for more recent versions of rspec, i.e. rspec 2.0 and up.

See the doco for more.

I wouldn't use this for Rspec 1 but for Rspec 2 it works just as it should.
Actually, according with the documentation link above, this should be expect { some_method }.to raise_error
Neither your comment nor the page you link to explains why expect is better or worse than lambda.
expect is for rspec 2.0 and higher. This renders moot the argument about which one is better, since the lambda syntax doesn't work any more
This doesn't work for me in capybara: expect { visit welcome_path }.to raise_error

The syntax changed recently and now it is:

expect { ... }.to raise_error(ErrorClass)

Bruno E.

From version 3.3 on rspec-expections gem raises a warning for a blank raise_error without a parameter

expect { raise StandardError }.to raise_error # results in warning
expect { raise StandardError }.to raise_error(StandardError) # fine

This gives you a hint that your code may fail with a different error than the test intended to check.

WARNING: Using the raise_error matcher without providing a specific error or message risks false positives, since raise_error will match when Ruby raises a NoMethodError, NameError or ArgumentError, potentially allowing the expectation to pass without even executing the method you are intending to call. Instead consider providing a specific error class or message. This message can be supressed by setting: RSpec::Expectations.configuration.warn_about_potential_false_positives = false.