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How to view corresponding SQL query of the Django ORM's queryset?

Is there a way I can print the query the Django ORM is generating?

Say I execute the following statement: Model.objects.filter(name='test')

How do I get to see the generated SQL query?

Scott Stafford

Each QuerySet object has a query attribute that you can log or print to stdout for debugging purposes.

qs = Model.objects.filter(name='test')

Note that in pdb, using p qs.query will not work as desired, but print(qs.query) will.

If that doesn't work, for old Django versions, try:

print str(qs.query)


I've also used custom template tags (as outlined in this snippet) to inject the queries in the scope of a single request as HTML comments.

what about queries for .save()?
@DataGreed Good question, might be worth asking in a new thread so you get more responses.
Does it work with prefetch_related i.e. show 2 queries? I see only 1.
doesnt work. i see <django.db.models.sql.query.Query object
Try print(str(qs.query)). I think they've changed the internals a bit in 10 years

You also can use python logging to log all queries generated by Django. Just add this to your settings file.

    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
    'version': 1,
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            # logging handler that outputs log messages to terminal
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'level': 'DEBUG', # message level to be written to console
    'loggers': {
        '': {
            # this sets root level logger to log debug and higher level
            # logs to console. All other loggers inherit settings from
            # root level logger.
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'DEBUG',
            'propagate': False, # this tells logger to send logging message
                                # to its parent (will send if set to True)
        'django.db': {
            # django also has database level logging
            'level': 'DEBUG'

Another method in case application is generating html output - django debug toolbar can be used.

If somebody would like to have summary with sumup of number of executed queries as well total time it took:
It did not work for me, I had to add 'level': 'DEBUG' under 'django.db'.

You can paste this code on your shell which will display all the SQL queries:

# To get all sql queries sent by Django from py shell
import logging
l = logging.getLogger('django.db.backends')


As long as DEBUG is on:

from django.db import connection

For an individual query, you can do:


Mikhail Korobov

Maybe you should take a look at django-debug-toolbar application, it will log all queries for you, display profiling information for them and much more.

This is very useful, but it only works in the GUI and sometimes you want to see query logs directly in ORM. e.g. you have an api , with no GUI!

A robust solution would be to have your database server log to a file and then

tail -f /path/to/the/log/file.log

Tim Richardson

If you are using database routing, you probably have more than one database connection. Code like this lets you see connections in a session. You can reset the stats the same way as with a single connection: reset_queries()

from django.db import connections,connection,reset_queries
reset_queries()  # resets data collection, call whenever it makes sense


def query_all():
    for c in connections.all():
        print(f"Queries per connection: Database: {c.settings_dict['NAME']} {c.queries}")

# and if you just want to count the number of queries
def query_count_all()->int:
    return sum(len(c.queries) for c in connections.all() )

Devesh G

You can use a Django debug_toolbar to view the SQL query. Step by step guide for debug_toolbar usage :

Install the Debug_toolbar

pip install django-debug-toolbar

Edit file & add debug_toolbar to Installed apps, this should be added below to 'django.contrib.staticfiles'. Also add debug_toolbar to Middleware.>

INSTALLED_APPS= [ 'debug_toolbar'] 

MIDDLEWARE = ['debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware']

create a new list named INTERNAL_IPS in file> create new list at the end of file & add below list:


This will allow the debug to run only on internal developement server

Edit file of #Project & add below code:

if settings.DEBUG:
    import debug_toolbar
    urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^__debug__/', include(debug_toolbar.urls))       
    ] + urlpatterns

apply migrate & run server again

You will see an add-on on your web page at & if you click on SQL Query check box, you can actually see the run time of query as well.