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How to permanently add a private key with ssh-add on Ubuntu? [closed]

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I have a private key protected with a password to access a server via SSH.

I have 2 linux (ubuntu 10.04) machines and the behavior of ssh-add command is different in both of them.

In one machine, once I use "ssh-add .ssh/identity" and entered my password, the key was added permanently, i.e., every time I shutdown the computer and login again, the key is already added.

In the other one, I have to add the key every time I login.

As far as I remember, I did the same thing on both. The only difference is that the key was created on the one that is added permanently.

Does anyone know how to add it permanently to the other machine as well?

the agent should be temporary only; but it is possible you have the ssh-add command somewhere in ~/.bashrc or so on one of the both machines


A solution would be to force the key files to be kept permanently, by adding them in your ~/.ssh/config file:

IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitHubKey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_buhlServer

If you do not have a 'config' file in the ~/.ssh directory, then you should create one. It does not need root rights, so simply:

nano ~/.ssh/config

...and enter the lines above as per your requirements.

For this to work the file needs to have chmod 600. You can use the command chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config.

If you want all users on the computer to use the key put these lines into /etc/ssh/ssh_config and the key in a folder accessible to all.

Additionally if you want to set the key specific to one host, you can do the following in your ~/.ssh/config :

    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/githubKey

This has the advantage when you have many identities that a server doesn't reject you because you tried the wrong identities first. Only the specific identity will be tried.

Permissions on the config file should be 600. chmod 600 config
I have to put in my password for every push, fetch, or clone with this, how do I avoid that?
Use instead ssh-add ~/.ssh/gitHubKey, it will remember your key passphrase. The solution I proposed was to set it permanently across reboots.
This answer is so good that ssh-add shouldn't exist. Who wants to have a command that "temporarily" fixes a problem and breaks unexpectedly when you can just edit a config file permanently.
This solution is not using the ssh-agent. - Is there a difference? Yeah, you can't forward they identity via agent-forwarding.

I solved that problem on Mac OSX (10.10) by using -K option for ssh-add:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/your_private_key

For macOS 10.12 and later you need to additionally edit your ssh config as described here:

this is a better answer for people who want to set it permanently
Hence this bit: "on Mac OSX (10.10)"...
This didn't work for me (on OSX 10.12.4)
According to man ssh-add on macOS High Sierra, ssh-add -K will save the passphrase into the keychain, and after rebooting, just use ssh-add -A, which does not need you to input your passphrase.
OP specifically asked for help on ubuntu, which is getting buried by this Would it be pedantic to ask this get moved to a mac specific thread? [do those cost extra? :*)]

This didn't answer the same issue for me under Mac OS X Lion. I ended up adding:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa &>/dev/null

To my .zshrc (but .profile would be fine too), which seems to have fixed it.

(As suggested here: )

This is I think better than the solution I proposed, because ssh-add uses an authentication agent which can remember the passphrase of a protected private key, so that you don't need to type it each time you try to authenticate. Another advantage of the solution you propose is that if you have alot of key, the ssh client won't propose keys irrelevant for the server you try to connect to, indeed it will provide only the keys which are for this server, and won't lead to the server refusing the connection because of MaxAuthTries being reached, while trying all the keys listed in ssh/config.
Thanks @daminetreg. My particular problem was needing to access gitosis on a development machine without transferring my private key to it. This solution (along with adding ForwardAgent yes to my .ssh/config) solved that issue fantastically. As it turns out, it could just be ssh-add &>/dev/null as the default behavior of ssh-add appears to be to add the keys it finds in your .ssh folder.
My understanding is that there is a -K switch in Mac OS:…
@TNick -K adds keys to OS X's keychain, which OS X GUIs use to authenticate to foreign servers. The poster in that Q is connecting through an SSH Tunnel, but is still just connecting to a remote server. A-[SSH Tunnel]->B The case I'm in is I am on a remote server but want authentication to be against credentials on my home system. A <-[Auth]-B-[Connect]->C So -K doesn't actually help, but is a great solution for the other Q.
what is the equivalent command for linux or ubuntu? I get unknown option -- K (I admit I'm not sure why I even need to do this...)
Christian Saiki

Just add the keychain, as referenced in Ubuntu Quick Tips


Instead of constantly starting up ssh-agent and ssh-add, it is possible to use keychain to manage your ssh keys. To install keychain, you can just click here, or use Synaptic to do the job or apt-get from the command line.

Command line

Another way to install the file is to open the terminal (Application->Accessories->Terminal) and type:

sudo apt-get install keychain

Edit File

You then should add the following lines to your ${HOME}/.bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc:

keychain id_rsa id_dsa
. ~/.keychain/`uname -n`-sh

What exactly does the second command do, out of curiosity? this just opens the permissions to the current user?
This . is an alias for source
Is the steps enough? Why the file ~/.keychain/uname -n-sh exists ?
what's id_dsa ? I've searched this page and only seen this mentioned in this answer and another but not in the original question. Is this just another key like id_rsa because 2 keys are being setup?
I am curious if keychain saves the ssh key passphrase and how does it do that. Where are these passphrases saved?
Nikola Ivanov Nikolov

I tried @Aaron's solution and it didn't quite work for me, because it would re-add my keys every time I opened a new tab in my terminal. So I modified it a bit(note that most of my keys are also password-protected so I can't just send the output to /dev/null):

added_keys=`ssh-add -l`

if [ ! $(echo $added_keys | grep -o -e my_key) ]; then
    ssh-add "$HOME/.ssh/my_key"

What this does is that it checks the output of ssh-add -l(which lists all keys that have been added) for a specific key and if it doesn't find it, then it adds it with ssh-add.

Now the first time I open my terminal I'm asked for the passwords for my private keys and I'm not asked again until I reboot(or logout - I haven't checked) my computer.

Since I have a bunch of keys I store the output of ssh-add -l in a variable to improve performance(at least I guess it improves performance :) )

PS: I'm on linux and this code went to my ~/.bashrc file - if you are on Mac OS X, then I assume you should add it to .zshrc or .profile

EDIT: As pointed out by @Aaron in the comments, the .zshrc file is used from the zsh shell - so if you're not using that(if you're not sure, then most likely, you're using bash instead), this code should go to your .bashrc file.

.zshrc is for the zsh shell, which I use instead of bash. If you're using bash on Mac OS X (the default), it would be .bashrc there as well.
After ssh-add -l return code echo $? can be used to decide whether to add key or not. Im my linux machine with bash, the ssh-add -l won't output the key filename. Return code always works.

I had the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04: some keys were added permanently, for others I had to execute ssh-add on every session. I found out that the keys which were added permanently had both private and public key located in ~/.ssh and the keys which were forgotten on every session had only private keys in ~/.ssh dir. So solution is simple: you should copy both private and public key to ~/.ssh before executing ssh-add.

P.S.: As far as I understand from Gnome wiki my method works thanks to gnome-keyring tool which is part of the Gnome Desktop Environment. Therefore my method should probably work only if you use Gnome or Gnome-based DE.

Underrated answer. This solved my problem without needing additional scripts or packages after searching for two hours.
Flarkin fabulous! Great detective work. I don't think I would have figured this out.
For me this was the solution too! You do not need any other software or installations or configuration. Just put both keys in.
Although this might work I would suggest that putting the public and private key in the same place is a very bad idea - it's like leaving the keys in the car
This worked for me. @OliverDungey I would agree and disagree. At the end of the day unless you are storing the private key off the computer (say a flash drive) since it is in your directory another sudo user / root could access the file no matter where it is with the find command. If you are the only one on the system and have a strong password I don't see this as a risk.

In my case the solution was:

Permissions on the config file should be 600. chmod 600 config

As mentioned in the comments above by generalopinion

No need to touch the config file contents.

Was not enough for me on Linux Mint 17.1.
I don't think 600 makes sense. man ssh tells us that the ~/.ssh/config file read/write for the user, and not writable by others.
600 is read and write only for the user

I run Ubuntu using two id_rsa key's. (one personal one for work). ssh-add would remember one key (personal one) and forget the company one every time.

Checking out the difference between the two I saw my personal key had 400 rights while the company one had 600 rights. (had u+w). Removing the user write right from the company key (u-w or set to 400) fixed my problem. ssh-add now remembers both keys.

Robert Siemer

On Ubuntu 14.04 (maybe earlier, maybe still) you don't even need the console:

start seahorse or launch that thing you find searching for "key"

create an SSH key there (or import one) no need to leave the passphrase empty it is offered to you to even push the public key to a server (or more)

no need to leave the passphrase empty

it is offered to you to even push the public key to a server (or more)

you will end up with an ssh-agent running and this key loaded, but locked

using ssh will pickup the identity (i.e. key) through the agent

on first use during the session, the passphrase will be checked and you have the option to automatically unlock the key on login this means the login auth will be used to wrap the passphrase of the key

and you have the option to automatically unlock the key on login

this means the login auth will be used to wrap the passphrase of the key

note: if you want to forward your identity (i.e. agent-forwarding) invoke your ssh with -A or make that the default otherwise you can't authenticate with that key on a machine you login to later to a third machine

otherwise you can't authenticate with that key on a machine you login to later to a third machine

Ubuntu 22.04 is still using seahorse.

Adding the following lines in "~/.bashrc" solved the issue for me. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 desktop.

eval `gnome-keyring-daemon --start`
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(ls /run/user/$(id -u $USERNAME)/keyring*/ssh|head -1)"
export SSH_AGENT_PID="$(pgrep gnome-keyring)"

Jaseem Abbas

This worked for me.

ssh-agent /bin/sh
ssh-add /path/to/your/key


very simple ^_^ two steps

1.yum install keychain

2.add code below to .bash_profile

/usr/bin/keychain $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa
source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh

Ubuntu Doesn't have yum silly ;)

For those that use Fish shell you can use the following function then call it in ~/.config/fish/ or in a separate configuration file in ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ It will load all keys that start with id_rsa into the ssh-agent.

# Load all ssh keys that start with "id_rsa"
function loadsshkeys
  set added_keys (ssh-add -l)
   for key in (find ~/.ssh/ -not -name "*.pub" -a -iname "id_rsa*")
    if test ! (echo $added_keys | grep -o -e $key)
      ssh-add "$key"

# Call the function to run it.

If you want to have the ssh-agent auto started when you open a terminal you can use danhper/fish-ssh-agent to do this.

Thanks, the repo link seems to be redirecting to now.
Thanks @ElijahLynn! I edited my answer and updated the repository link.