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How to remove globally a package from Composer?

I ran this command to install globally PHPUnit:

composer global require 'phpunit/phpunit=3.7.*'

Now I want to uninstall globally PHPUnit.

Any ideas?

Jakub Zalas

To remove a globally installed package run:

composer global remove phpunit/phpunit

global command lets you to run many commands like install, require or update as if you were running them from the COMPOSER_HOME directory.

Read the related documentation here:

COMPOSER_HOME depends on your system (on Linux it's ~/.composer), see for more details.

Are there any reasons composer global update would not work? I removed a package from my composer.json in .composer and ran the global update but I can still execute the program.
A remove command has been added to composer. See this PR and this commit.
@iisisrael it doesn't work for packages installed globally and this is what this question is about. Thanks for reference though!
Composer supports global remove now. Updated the answer.

Also you can use another way

cd $HOME/.config/composer

And in composer.json file remove some require positions

After all execute composer update This is a long way, but more clear

I used composer global update
I found this config file at ~/.composer/composer.json in brew installed composer