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How do you check whether a number is divisible by another number?

I need to test whether each number from 1 to 1000 is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 5. The way I thought I'd do this would be to divide the number by 3, and if the result is an integer then it would be a multiple of 3. Same with 5.

How do I test whether the number is an integer?

Here is my current code:

n = 0
s = 0

while (n < 1001):
    x = n/3
    if isinstance(x, (int, long)):
        print 'Multiple of 3!'
        s = s + n
    if False:
        y = n/5
        if isinstance(y, (int, long)):
            s = s + n

    print 'Number: '
    print n
    print 'Sum:'
    print s
    n = n + 1
In Python 2.x, integer division always yields an integer.
You should be printing "Fizz" and "Buzz"
Project Euler Problem 1 ?

David Heffernan

You do this using the modulus operator, %

n % k == 0

evaluates true if and only if n is an exact multiple of k. In elementary maths this is known as the remainder from a division.

In your current approach you perform a division and the result will be either

always an integer if you use integer division, or

always a float if you use floating point division.

It's just the wrong way to go about testing divisibility.

0 % 5 == 0 would be True as well, but zero is not exact multiple of zero.
@Fusion 0 == 0*5
@Chris_Rands Put that into an answer, people who do code-golf (like me) would be very happy. In fact, I came here looking for a golfed answer like that.
Toby Allen

You can simply use % Modulus operator to check divisibility.
For example: n % 2 == 0 means n is exactly divisible by 2 and n % 2 != 0 means n is not exactly divisible by 2.


You can use % operator to check divisiblity of a given number

The code to check whether given no. is divisible by 3 or 5 when no. less than 1000 is given below:

while n<1000:
    if n%3==0 or n%5==0:
        print n,'is multiple of 3 or 5'

Bennett Jester

This code appears to do what you are asking for.

for value in range(1,1000):
    if value % 3 == 0 or value % 5 == 0:

Or something like

for value in range(1,1000):
    if value % 3 == 0 or value % 5 == 0:

Or any number of things.

to answer your question: select and ctrl+K indents. I've done that for you for this time.
brandon gossman

I had the same approach. Because I didn't understand how to use the module(%) operator.

6 % 3 = 0 *This means if you divide 6 by 3 you will not have a remainder, 3 is a factor of 6.

Now you have to relate it to your given problem.

if n % 3 == 0 *This is saying, if my number(n) is divisible by 3 leaving a 0 remainder.

Add your then(print, return) statement and continue your

james faber
a = 1400
a1 = 5
a2 = 3

b= str(a/a1)
b1 = str(a/a2)
c =b[(len(b)-2):len(b)]
c1 =b[(len(b1)-2):len(b1)]
if c == ".0":
    print("yeah for 5!")
if c1 == ".0":
    print("yeah for 3!")

Its better to explain the fix you have given and what made it worked
That is NOT a good way to test divisibility: doing a float division, converting to a string and then doing string manipulations to find if the fractional part is (literally) ".0" is at the very least inefficient, and possibly wrong depending on the floating point implementation and the code that does the conversions.
E.g. try x=10000000000000000; b = str(x/(x-1)); b in the python interpreter.

For small numbers n%3 == 0 will be fine. For very large numbers I propose to calculate the cross sum first and then check if the cross sum is a multiple of 3:

def is_divisible_by_3(number):
    if sum(map(int, str(number))) % 3 != 0:
        my_bool = False
    return my_bool

Is calculating the cross sum and using the modulus operation really faster than directly using the modulus operation? If so, shouldn't you call your function recursively until the number is "small" enough?
Arif Sarker

Try this ...

public class Solution {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    long t = 1000;
    long sum = 0;

    for(int i = 1; i<t; i++){
            if(i%3 == 0 || i%5 == 0){
                sum = sum + i;

I doubt Java is Python, so this isn't a valid answer
Your answer is not relevant to the question
David Heffernan

The simplest way is to test whether a number is an integer is int(x) == x. Otherwise, what David Heffernan said.

Well, that might be an ok answer for the question of checking if a number is an int, but the question here is how to check if a number is divisible by another number...