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2-D convolution as a matrix-matrix multiplication [closed]

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I know that, in the 1D case, the convolution between two vectors, a and b, can be computed as conv(a, b), but also as the product between the T_a and b, where T_a is the corresponding Toeplitz matrix for a.

Is it possible to extend this idea to 2D?

Given a = [5 1 3; 1 1 2; 2 1 3] and b=[4 3; 1 2], is it possible to convert a in a Toeplitz matrix and compute the matrix-matrix product between T_a and b as in the 1-D case?

I’m voting to close this question because it is not about programming as defined in the help center but about ML theory and/or methodology - please see the intro and NOTE in the deep-learning tag info.


Yes, it is possible and you should also use a doubly block circulant matrix (which is a special case of Toeplitz matrix). I will give you an example with a small size of kernel and the input, but it is possible to construct Toeplitz matrix for any kernel. So you have a 2d input x and 2d kernel k and you want to calculate the convolution x * k. Also let's assume that k is already flipped. Let's also assume that x is of size n×n and k is m×m.

So you unroll k into a sparse matrix of size (n-m+1)^2 × n^2, and unroll x into a long vector n^2 × 1. You compute a multiplication of this sparse matrix with a vector and convert the resulting vector (which will have a size (n-m+1)^2 × 1) into a n-m+1 square matrix.

I am pretty sure this is hard to understand just from reading. So here is an example for 2×2 kernel and 3×3 input.

Here is a constructed matrix with a vector:

And this is the same result you would have got by doing a sliding window of k over x.

There would have to be some sort of reshaping at the end correct? That last vector is 4 x 1 but the result of the convolution would be 2 x 2
@jvans yes, in the end you should reshape your vector. It is written here: convert the resulting vector (which will have a size (n-m+1)^2 X 1) into a n-m+1 square matrix
In your example this is not a Toeplitz matrix. So you answer is only partially correct, is it ?
What you mean by Also let's assume that k is already flipped? Is it because we want to perform correlation instead of convolution? What is flipped in terms of numpy operations?
@mrgloom Yes, the operation above is a correlation which is why he flips the filter vertically (upside down) first so it then becomes equivalent to a convolution. The numpy is flip(m, 0), which is is equivalent to flipud(m).
Ali Salehi

1- Define Input and Filter

Let I be the input signal and F be the filter or kernel.

2- Calculate the final output size

If the I is m1 x n1 and F is m2 x n2 the size of the output will be:

3- Zero-pad the filter matrix

Zero pad the filter to make it the same size as the output.

4- Create Toeplitz matrix for each row of the zero-padded filter

5- Create a doubly blocked Toeplitz matrix

6- Convert the input matrix to a column vector

7- Multiply doubly blocked toeplitz matrix with vectorized input signal

This multiplication gives the convolution result.

8- Last step: reshape the result to a matrix form

For more details and python code take a look at my github repository:

Step by step explanation of 2D convolution implemented as matrix multiplication using toeplitz matrices in python

I think there is an error. The first element of the result should be 10*0 + 20*0 + 30*0 +40*1 = 40. The element in position 2,2 should be 1*10 + 2*20 + 4*30 + 5*40 = 370. I think your result is correct for a matrix F equal to [40 30; 20 10] that is exactly F flipping both rows and columns. There is therefore an error in the procedure
It is doing convolution (mathematical convolution, not cross-correlation), so if you are doing it by hand, you need to flip the filter both vertically and horizontally. You can find more information on my GitHub repo.
This is a great explanation of 2D convolution as a matrix operation. Is there a way to represent "mode='same'" also? (i.e. keeping the output shape the same as the image)?
@ajl123 I think it should be. I'll work on it if I get time. Please feel free to dig into the code and math and send me a pull request on Github if you get the answer.
shouldn't the dimension of the resulting matrix decrease?
Geoffrey Negiar

If you unravel k to a m^2 vector and unroll X, you would then get:

a m**2 vectork

a ((n-m)**2, m**2) matrix for unrolled_X

where unrolled_X could be obtained by the following Python code:

from numpy import zeros

def unroll_matrix(X, m):
  flat_X = X.flatten()
  n = X.shape[0]
  unrolled_X = zeros(((n - m) ** 2, m**2))
  skipped = 0
  for i in range(n ** 2):
      if (i % n) < n - m and ((i / n) % n) < n - m:
          for j in range(m):
              for l in range(m):
                  unrolled_X[i - skipped, j * m + l] = flat_X[i + j * n + l]
          skipped += 1
  return unrolled_X

Unrolling X and not k allows a more compact representation (smaller matrices) than the other way around for each X - but you need to unroll each X. You could prefer unrolling k depending on what you want to do.

Here, the unrolled_X is not sparse, whereas unrolled_k would be sparse, but of size ((n-m+1)^2,n^2) as @Salvador Dali mentioned.

Unrolling k could be done like this:

from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from numpy import zeros
import scipy 

def unroll_kernel(kernel, n, sparse=True):

    m = kernel.shape[0]
    if sparse:
         unrolled_K = lil_matrix(((n - m)**2, n**2))
         unrolled_K = zeros(((n - m)**2, n**2))

    skipped = 0
    for i in range(n ** 2):
         if (i % n) < n - m and((i / n) % n) < n - m:
             for j in range(m):
                 for l in range(m):
                    unrolled_K[i - skipped, i + j * n + l] = kernel[j, l]
             skipped += 1
    return unrolled_K


The code shown above doesn't produce the unrolled matrix of the right dimensions. The dimension should be (n-k+1)*(m-k+1), (k)(k). k: filter dimension, n: num rows in input matrix, m: num columns.

def unfold_matrix(X, k):
    n, m = X.shape[0:2]
    xx = zeros(((n - k + 1) * (m - k + 1), k**2))
    row_num = 0
    def make_row(x):
        return x.flatten()

    for i in range(n- k+ 1):
        for j in range(m - k + 1):
            #collect block of m*m elements and convert to row
            xx[row_num,:] = make_row(X[i:i+k, j:j+k])
            row_num = row_num + 1

    return xx

For more details, see my blog post:

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