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Delete directories recursively in Java

Is there a way to delete entire directories recursively in Java?

In the normal case it is possible to delete an empty directory. However when it comes to deleting entire directories with contents, it is not that simple anymore.

How do you delete entire directories with contents in Java?

File.delete() should simply return false upon calling it with a non-empty directory.
If you are using Java 8, see @RoK's answer.


You should check out Apache's commons-io. It has a FileUtils class that will do what you want.

FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File("directory"));

This function probably wraps the code that erickson provided in his answer.
It's a little more thorough. It handles things like symbolic links correctly on Linux/Unix.…
Why add another dependency when Java has a facility out of the box? See answer by RoK on this page, or…

With Java 7, we can finally do this with reliable symlink detection. (I don't consider Apache's commons-io to have reliable symlink detection at this time, as it doesn't handle links on Windows created with mklink.)

For the sake of history, here's a pre-Java 7 answer, which follows symlinks.

void delete(File f) throws IOException {
  if (f.isDirectory()) {
    for (File c : f.listFiles())
  if (!f.delete())
    throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to delete file: " + f);

File.delete() does not have that functionality.
@Erickson: Isn't FileNotFoundException a poor exception for a delete failure? If the file is truly no longer there, it must have already been deleted, which means that, semantically, the delete did not fail - it had nothing to do. And if it failed for some other reason, it was not because the file was not found.
Be VERY CAREFUL. This will dereference symlinks. If you are on e.g. linux, and have a folder foo with a link foo/link such that link->/, calling delete(new File(foo)) will delete as much of your filesystem as your user is allowed to!!
@Miquel That doesn't make sense - Why would we want to be careful? Surely the point of the code provided is to remove an entire directory, which is what it appears to do. I do not understand what the danger is here.
@Joehot200 you are right, calling delete on a directory symlink won't delete the directory, just the symlink itself. Deleting the directory would actually require following the symlink explicitly using ReadSymbolicLink. My bad! Well spotted
Tomasz Dzięcielewski

In Java 7+ you can use Files class. Code is very simple:

Path directory = Paths.get("/tmp");
Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
   public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
       return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

   public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
       return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

This solution seems very elegant and contains no directory traversal logic at all!
"To find a pearl dive deep into the ocean.". This is by far the neatest solution I found. Had to dive deep to find it. Brilliant!
"Code is" NOT "very simple" to simply delete a dir :-) But hey that's the best solution in pure java I reckon.
Please note that the walkFileTree overload used here "does not follow symbolic links". (Javadoc:…)
You should probably call super.postVisitDirectory(dir, exc); in your postVisitDirectory method, to blow up if the walk could not list a directory.
Aleksandr Dubinsky

One-liner solution (Java8) to delete all files and directories recursively including starting directory:

try (var dirStream = Files.walk(Paths.get("c:/dir_to_delete/"))) {

We use a comparator for reversed order, otherwise File::delete won't be able to delete possibly non-empty directory. So, if you want to keep directories and only delete files just remove the comparator in sorted() or remove sorting completely and add files filter:

try (var dirStream = Files.walk(Paths.get("c:/dir_to_delete/"))) {

You need to change the sort in the first one to .sorted(Comparator::reverseOrder) to delete all the directories. Otherwise the parent directory is ordered before the child, and thus won't delete since it isn't empty. Great answer for those using Java 8!
The correct way is .sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()) The suggestion Comparator::reverseOrder does not work. See:…
Robin, pay attention at minus sign in "-o1.compareTo(o2)". It's the same as .sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder)
Is Files.walk sequential? Or does this answer need forEachOrdered instead of forEach to avoid trying to delete non-empty directories?
There's a problem with this answer: the stream returned by walk() should be closed, because it "contains references to one or more open directories" (Javadoc).
Trevor Robinson

Java 7 added support for walking directories with symlink handling:

import java.nio.file.*;

public static void removeRecursive(Path path) throws IOException
    Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>()
        public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
                throws IOException
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

        public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException
            // try to delete the file anyway, even if its attributes
            // could not be read, since delete-only access is
            // theoretically possible
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

        public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException
            if (exc == null)
                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
                // directory iteration failed; propagate exception
                throw exc;

I use this as a fallback from platform-specific methods (in this untested code):

public static void removeDirectory(Path directory) throws IOException
    // does nothing if non-existent
    if (Files.exists(directory))
            // prefer OS-dependent directory removal tool
            if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS)
                Processes.execute("%ComSpec%", "/C", "RD /S /Q \"" + directory + '"');
            else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_UNIX)
                Processes.execute("/bin/rm", "-rf", directory.toString());
        catch (ProcessExecutionException | InterruptedException e)
            // fallback to internal implementation on error

        if (Files.exists(directory))

(SystemUtils is from Apache Commons Lang. Processes is private but its behavior should be obvious.)

I do find one problem with Files.walkFileTree - it is insufficient for implementing a version of recursive delete where you keep deleting files until you run out of options. It is adequate for a fail-fast version, but fail-fast is not always what you want (e.g. if you're cleaning up temp files, you want delete-now, not fail-fast.)
I don't see why that is true. You can handle errors however you want -- you're not required to fail fast. The only issue I could foresee is that it might not handle new files being created during the walk of the current directory, but that is a unique situation better suited to a custom solution.
If you suppress the error from visitFile and call walkFileTree on a single file which fails, you get no error (so visitFile must propagate any error which occurs.) If you're deleting a directory and fail to delete one file, the only callback called is postVisitDirectory. i.e., it doesn't visit the other files in the directory if you get an error visiting one file. This is what I mean. I'm sure there is probably some way to work around this, but by the time we got to this point we had already written more code than a traditional recursive delete routine, so we decided against using it.
Thanks for your 1st code, it was useful to me, but I had to change it, because it did not complete a simple deltree: I had to ignore the exception in "postVisitDirectory" and return CONTINUE regardless because the following simple tree could not fully be deleted: A directory inside which there was another directory inside of which was one file. All of which as simple/normal as it gets, on Windows.
It all started from a java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException I got. I found out the case where visitFileFailed is used. If your directory structure has a junction type link in windows. This can cause you 2 issues: *) Files.walkFileTree follows the link into the junction and deletes everything there. *) If the junction target directory is already deleted then parsing the link by the Files.walkFileTree fails with NoSuchFileException which is catched in visitFileFailed.

Just saw my solution is more or less the same as erickson's, just packaged as a static method. Drop this somewhere, it's much lighter weight than installing all of Apache Commons for something that (as you can see) is quite simple.

public class FileUtils {
     * By default File#delete fails for non-empty directories, it works like "rm". 
     * We need something a little more brutual - this does the equivalent of "rm -r"
     * @param path Root File Path
     * @return true iff the file and all sub files/directories have been removed
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
    public static boolean deleteRecursive(File path) throws FileNotFoundException{
        if (!path.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException(path.getAbsolutePath());
        boolean ret = true;
        if (path.isDirectory()){
            for (File f : path.listFiles()){
                ret = ret && deleteRecursive(f);
        return ret && path.delete();


A solution with a stack and without recursive methods:

File dir = new File("/path/to/dir");
File[] currList;
Stack<File> stack = new Stack<File>();
while (! stack.isEmpty()) {
    if (stack.lastElement().isDirectory()) {
        currList = stack.lastElement().listFiles();
        if (currList.length > 0) {
            for (File curr: currList) {
        } else {
    } else {

+1 for using a stack. This will work with directories that contain deep levels of nested subdirectories while the other stack-based approaches will fail.
Seeing that you usually don’t have problems nesting a couple of hundred method calls I think you’re likely to run into filesystem restrictions a lot earlier.
Be careful with the list* methods for class From the Javadocs: "Returns null if this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, or if an I/O error occurs." So: if (currList.length > 0) { becomes if (null != currList && currList.length > 0) {
I use an ArrayDeque instead of a Stack which is slightly faster. (unsynchronized)
Ben Hutchison

If you have Spring, you can use FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively:

import org.springframework.util.FileSystemUtils;

boolean success = FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(new File("directory"));


Guava had Files.deleteRecursively(File) supported until Guava 9.

From Guava 10:

Deprecated. This method suffers from poor symlink detection and race conditions. This functionality can be supported suitably only by shelling out to an operating system command such as rm -rf or del /s. This method is scheduled to be removed from Guava in Guava release 11.0.

Therefore, there is no such method in Guava 11.

Too bad. Shelling out seems a little crude and not portable. If the Apache commons version works properly, then presumably it's not impossible to implement.
@andrew The Apache Commons implementation should have similar problems to those that cause Guava to remove their implementation, see
The apache commons version detects symlinks, and simply does not traverse the file's children.
Guava 21.0 added this as MoreFiles.deleteRecursively().
for(Path p : Files.walk(directoryToDelete).
        sorted((a, b) -> b.compareTo(a)). // reverse; files before dirs

Or if you want to handle the IOException:

    sorted((a, b) -> b.compareTo(a)). // reverse; files before dirs
    forEach(p -> {
        try { Files.delete(p); }
        catch(IOException e) { /* ... */ }

This helped me come up with a Scala version: Files.walk(path).iterator().toSeq.reverse.foreach(Files.delete)
Is sorting really necessary? The walk method already guarantees a depth-first traversal.
The comparator could be recycled from Collections.reverseOrder() so your code would be for (Path p : Files.walk(directoryToDelete).sorted(reverseOrder()).toArray(Path[]::new)) assuming it has been statically imported.
@namero999 Do you mean Comparator.reverseOrder? Files.walk(dir) .sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()) .toArray(Path[]::new))
@Jeff quite sure you are right, mostly went by memory there :)
public void deleteRecursive(File path){
    File[] c = path.listFiles();
    System.out.println("Cleaning out folder:" + path.toString());
    for (File file : c){
        if (file.isDirectory()){
            System.out.println("Deleting file:" + file.toString());
        } else {

Enhanced version with boolean return value and no duplication:
public static void deleteDirectory(File path) 
    if (path == null)
    if (path.exists())
        for(File f : path.listFiles())

Nice code, but there is one bug, when fixed, it works. The line f.delete() under deleteDirectory(f) will throws NoSuchFileException because the deleteDirectory(f) already delete that file. Every directory will become a path when passed in deleteDirectory(f) and being deleted by path.delete(). Therefore, we don't need f.delete() in if f.isDerectory section. So, just delete f.delete(); under deleteDirectory(f) and it will works.

Two ways to fail with symlinks and the above code... and don't know the solution.

Way #1

Run this to create a test:

echo test > testfile
mkdir dirtodelete
ln -s badlink dirtodelete/badlinktodelete

Here you see your test file and test directory:

$ ls testfile dirtodelete


Then run your commons-io deleteDirectory(). It crashes saying the file is not found. Not sure what the other examples do here. The Linux rm command would simply delete the link, and rm -r on the directory would also.

Exception in thread "main" File does not exist: /tmp/dirtodelete/linktodelete

Way #2

Run this to create a test:

mkdir testdir
echo test > testdir/testfile
mkdir dirtodelete
ln -s ../testdir dirtodelete/dirlinktodelete

Here you see your test file and test directory:

$ ls dirtodelete testdir


Then run your commons-io deleteDirectory() or the example code people posted. It deletes not only the directory, but your testfile which is outside the directory being deleted. (It dereferences the directory implicitly, and deletes the contents). rm -r would delete the link only. You need to use something like this delete the dereferenced files: "find -L dirtodelete -type f -exec rm {} \;".

$ ls dirtodelete testdir
ls: cannot access dirtodelete: No such file or directory

Jan-Terje Sørensen

You could use:;

Deletes a file, never throwing an exception. If file is a directory, delete it and all sub-directories. The difference between File.delete() and this method are: A directory to be deleted does not have to be empty. No exceptions are thrown when a file or directory cannot be deleted.


An optimal solution that handles exception consistently with the approach that an exception thrown from a method should always describe what that method was trying (and failed) to do:

private void deleteRecursive(File f) throws Exception {
    try {
        if (f.isDirectory()) {
            for (File c : f.listFiles()) {
        if (!f.delete()) {
            throw new Exception("Delete command returned false for file: " + f);
    catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Exception("Failed to delete the folder: " + f, e);


In legacy projects, I need to create native Java code. I create this code similar to Paulitex code. See that:

public class FileHelper {

   public static boolean delete(File fileOrFolder) {
      boolean result = true;
      if(fileOrFolder.isDirectory()) {
         for (File file : fileOrFolder.listFiles()) {
            result = result && delete(file);
      result = result && fileOrFolder.delete();
      return result;

And the unit test:

public class FileHelperTest {

    public void setup() throws IOException {
       new File("FOLDER_TO_DELETE/SUBFOLDER").mkdirs();
       new File("FOLDER_TO_DELETE/SUBFOLDER_TWO").mkdirs();
       new File("FOLDER_TO_DELETE/SUBFOLDER_TWO/TEST_FILE.txt").createNewFile();

    public void deleteFolderWithFiles() {
       File folderToDelete = new File("FOLDER_TO_DELETE");
       Assert.assertFalse(new File("FOLDER_TO_DELETE").exists());



Below code recursively delete all contents in a given folder.

boolean deleteDirectory(File directoryToBeDeleted) {
    File[] allContents = directoryToBeDeleted.listFiles();
    if (allContents != null) {
        for (File file : allContents) {
    return directoryToBeDeleted.delete();


Here is a bare bones main method that accepts a command line argument, you may need to append your own error checking or mold it to how you see fit.


public class DeleteFiles {

 * @param intitial arguments take in a source to read from and a 
 * destination to read to
    public static void main(String[] args)
                     throws FileNotFoundException,IOException {
        File src = new File(args[0]);
        if (!src.exists() ) {
            // Gathers files in directory
            File[] a = src.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                //Sends files to recursive deletion method
            // Deletes original source folder

     * @param srcFile Source file to examine
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if File not found
     * @throws IOException if File not found
    private static void fileDelete(File srcFile)
                     throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        // Checks if file is a directory
        if (srcFile.isDirectory()) {
            //Gathers files in directory
            File[] b = srcFile.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
                //Recursively deletes all files and sub-directories
            // Deletes original sub-directory file
        } else {

I hope that helps!


Guava provides a one-liner: MoreFiles.deleteRecursively().

Unlike many of the examples shared, it accounts for symbolic links and will not (by default) delete files outside the provided path.


Maybe a solution for this problem might be to reimplement the delete method of the File class using the code from erickson's answer:

public class MyFile extends File {

  ... <- copy constructor

  public boolean delete() {
    if (f.isDirectory()) {
      for (File c : f.listFiles()) {
        return new MyFile(c).delete();
    } else {
        return f.delete();

I think it's implemented as it is to mimic the behavior of most command shell utilities like "rm", "rmdir", and "del". Of the two alternatives, the current implementation definitely minimizes the overall surprise (and anger) potential. It isn't going to change.
Generally, the only Java JRE packages I see extended are from Swing. Usually, extending other classes such as is a bad idea, as it has the possibility to cause things to act in unexpected ways.
Alexander Sidikov Pfeif

Without Commons IO and < Java SE 7

public static void deleteRecursive(File path){
            path.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                    if (pathname.isDirectory()) {
                    } else {
                    return false;

Joshua Pinter

rm -rf was much more performant than FileUtils.deleteDirectory.

After extensive benchmarking, we found that using rm -rf was multiple times faster than using FileUtils.deleteDirectory.

Of course, if you have a small or simple directory, it won't matter but in our case we had multiple gigabytes and deeply nested sub directories where it would take over 10 minutes with FileUtils.deleteDirectory and only 1 minute with rm -rf.

Here's our rough Java implementation to do that:

// Delete directory given and all subdirectories and files (i.e. recursively).
static public boolean deleteDirectory( File file ) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    if ( file.exists() ) {

        String deleteCommand = "rm -rf " + file.getAbsolutePath();
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

        Process process = runtime.exec( deleteCommand );

        return true;

    return false;


Worth trying if you're dealing with large or complex directories.

@cricket_007 Which platforms?
Windows? OpenWrt? BSD?
@cricket_007 Definitely not Windows. This was tested and used on Android and macOS.

// Java 8 with lambda & stream, if param is directory

static boolean delRecursive(File dir) {
    return -> f.isDirectory() ? delRecursive(f) : f.delete()) && dir.delete();

// if param is file or directory

static boolean delRecursive(File fileOrDir) {
    return fileOrDir.isDirectory() ? -> delRecursive(f)) && fileOrDir.delete() : fileOrDir.delete();

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Brunov

Guava 21.0 and later

There is the void deleteRecursively(Path path, RecursiveDeleteOption... options) throws IOException static method of the MoreFiles class available since Guava 21.0.

Please, see the Javadoc documentation:

public static void deleteRecursively(Path path, RecursiveDeleteOption... options) throws IOException Deletes the file or directory at the given path recursively. Deletes symbolic links, not their targets (subject to the caveat below). If an I/O exception occurs attempting to read, open or delete any file under the given directory, this method skips that file and continues. All such exceptions are collected and, after attempting to delete all files, an IOException is thrown containing those exceptions as suppressed exceptions.

Bharat Singh

While files can easily be deleted using file.delete(), directories are required to be empty to be deleted. Use recursion to do this easily. For example:

public static void clearFolders(String[] args) {
        for(String st : args){
            File folder = new File(st);
            if (folder.isDirectory()) {
                File[] files = folder.listFiles();
                if(files!=null) { 
                    for(File f: files) {
                        if (f.isDirectory()){
                            clearFolders(new String[]{f.getAbsolutePath()});
                        } else {


i coded this routine that has 3 safety criteria for safer use.

package ch.ethz.idsc.queuey.util;


/** recursive file/directory deletion
 * safety from erroneous use is enhanced by three criteria
 * 1) checking the depth of the directory tree T to be deleted
 * against a permitted upper bound "max_depth"
 * 2) checking the number of files to be deleted #F
 * against a permitted upper bound "max_count"
 * 3) if deletion of a file or directory fails, the process aborts */
public final class FileDelete {
    /** Example: The command
     * FileDelete.of(new File("/user/name/myapp/recordings/log20171024"), 2, 1000);
     * deletes given directory with sub directories of depth of at most 2,
     * and max number of total files less than 1000. No files are deleted
     * if directory tree exceeds 2, or total of files exceed 1000.
     * abort criteria are described at top of class
     * @param file
     * @param max_depth
     * @param max_count
     * @return
     * @throws Exception if criteria are not met */
    public static FileDelete of(File file, int max_depth, int max_count) throws IOException {
        return new FileDelete(file, max_depth, max_count);

    // ---
    private final File root;
    private final int max_depth;
    private int removed = 0;

    /** @param root file or a directory. If root is a file, the file will be deleted.
     *            If root is a directory, the directory tree will be deleted.
     * @param max_depth of directory visitor
     * @param max_count of files to delete
     * @throws IOException */
    private FileDelete(final File root, final int max_depth, final int max_count) throws IOException {
        this.root = root;
        this.max_depth = max_depth;
        // ---
        final int count = visitRecursively(root, 0, false);
        if (count <= max_count) // abort criteria 2)
            visitRecursively(root, 0, true);
            throw new IOException("more files to be deleted than allowed (" + max_count + "<=" + count + ") in " + root);

    private int visitRecursively(final File file, final int depth, final boolean delete) throws IOException {
        if (max_depth < depth) // enforce depth limit, abort criteria 1)
            throw new IOException("directory tree exceeds permitted depth");
        // ---
        int count = 0;
        if (file.isDirectory()) // if file is a directory, recur
            for (File entry : file.listFiles())
                count += visitRecursively(entry, depth + 1, delete);
        ++count; // count file as visited
        if (delete) {
            final boolean deleted = file.delete();
            if (!deleted) // abort criteria 3)
                throw new IOException("cannot delete " + file.getAbsolutePath());
        return count;

    public int deletedCount() {
        return removed;

    public void printNotification() {
        int count = deletedCount();
        if (0 < count)
            System.out.println("deleted " + count + " file(s) in " + root);