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Only use a proxy for certain git urls/domains?

Is it possible to configure git to use a proxy only for specific domains?

I'd like to use our corporate proxy to access Github but leave it off for accessing our own internal git repos.

I'm using bower and it needs to require items both within our firewall and on github so I can't do this as a per project setting. It needs to be some kind of global configuration option. Any thoughts?


To add another possibility, you can define a proxy through the git config http.proxy.

git config --global http.proxy http://mydomain\\myusername:mypassword@myproxyserver:proxyport

But what is really neat is, starting git1.8.5 (October 2013), you can set http settings per url.

The "http.*" variables can now be specified per URL that the configuration applies.
For example,

   sslVerify = true
[http ""]
   sslVerify = false

would flip http.sslVerify off only when talking to that specified site.

See commit d4770964d5:

$ git config --bool --get-urlmatch http.sslVerify
$ git config --bool --get-urlmatch http.sslVerify

With only

specified, you can get a list of all variables in the section with their values that apply to the given URL. E.g

$ git config --get-urlmatch http
http.sslverify false

All the details are in commit 6a56993b:


Any of the http.* options above can be applied selectively to some urls. For a config key to match a URL, each element of the config key is compared to that of the URL, in the following order:

Scheme (e.g., https in

Host/domain name (e.g., in

Port number (e.g., 8080 in

Path (e.g., repo.git in

User name (e.g., user in

The list above is ordered by decreasing precedence; a URL that matches a config key's path is preferred to one that matches its user name. For example, if the URL is a config key match of will be preferred over a config key match of All URLs are normalized before attempting any matching (the password part, if embedded in the URL, is always ignored for matching purposes) so that equivalent urls that are simply spelled differently will match properly. Environment variable settings always override any matches. The urls that are matched against are those given directly to Git commands. This means any URLs +visited as a result of a redirection do not participate in matching.

To make specific domain NOT use the proxy settings, you need to set http.proxy = ""
How can you use a wildcard like * to match all subdomains?

I usually use the environment variables:



That is picked up by git when accessing GitHub repo.


both http_proxy and https_proxy must use the http:// url of the proxy (no https://).

always use the fqn (full qualified name) of proxydomain (don't rely on its short name)

But for internal repo, all I have to do is define and export one more environment variable:,localhost,,::1, for accessing any repo with an address like or localhost.

You can define NO_PROXY or no_proxy, it doesn't matter.

But just in case, I always set HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, http_proxy, https_proxy, NO_PROXY and no_proxy.

In my case, it didn't work until I tried removing http:// for both http and https.
no_proxy should not using * to wild match, use instead will works.
@GuixingBai you are correct. I have edited the answer accordingly.
@LightCC it ignores the IPv6 loopback address ::1 (,
@xxxvodnikxxx could my answer below be helpful? For a certain server, you can set a certain proxy.

As some have mentioned here, you can do this by specifying a URL along with the proxy settings, but Here's the use case that fixed this for me. Thanks to VonC above!

Notice below that I'm specifying the root of the Git server. The full path to the git repo you've cloned isn't required. You can use a single entry to take care of the entire server.

Add the following to your .gitconfig file. On my windows system, I'm using %userprofile%\.gitconfig

    proxy =
    proxy =
[http ""]
    proxy = ""

You are welcome. +1. Note that you might have set the Windows environment variable NO_PROXY to, and that could have been enough to not use the defined proxy:
Thanks, VonC. I'm in a situation where I'm creating several template config files for various proxied tools (git, bower, npm) and passing them out to team members. While you're right on the NO_PROXY setting working, it wasn't necessary in my case, and the simplicity of having these all in a single file that I can distribute is what I was after.
Good point. Distributing a file is easier than environment variables.
Even better - distribute a script or the direct git commands to apply the above. i.e. git config --global http.proxy, for the first one, etc. Then you don't even need them to find the right place to put or update the file.
@LightCC: Yes, that would work for sure; however, my particular use case requires the user's credentials be added to the URL:, so that would complicate the script somewhat to include prompts and such.

You can adjust various configuration options for each remote specifically. Let's say we have 2 remotes, named origin and upstream respectively. You adjust the proxy for each doing the following:

git config --path remote.origin.proxy http://user:pass@proxy_for_origin:8080
git config --path remote.upstream.proxy http://user:pass@proxy_for_upstream:8080

This will change the sections of each remote inside your local repository configuration (.git/config).

You can also adjust the global configuration options if you wish. Since it doesn't make sense to reference a remote name in the global config file ($HOME/.gitconfig), you can use url-matching (IIRC, supported since Git 1.8.5). Example:

[http ""]
    proxy = http://user:pass@proxy1:8080
[http ""]
    proxy = http://user:pass@proxy2:8080

If you want to see what's been set:

git config --path --get-urlmatch
git config --path --get-urlmatch


assume your proxy is (like my ss) is : socks5://

config git proxy

for all add: git config --global http.proxy socks5:// remove: git config --global --unset http.proxy

add: git config --global http.proxy socks5://

remove: git config --global --unset http.proxy

only for specific domain, eg: add: git config --global http. socks5:// remove: git config --global --unset http.

add: git config --global http. socks5://

remove: git config --global --unset http.


After added proxy, using

cat ~/.gitconfig

can see related global config:

        proxy = socks5://


[http ""]
        proxy = socks5://

Use socks5h instead of socks5 to send DNS through SOCKS5 proxy (
Anurag Singh

I had a similar problem, where i am behind my corporate proxy. I basically have two kinds of repositories:

External- which need proxy Internal- which don't need proxy

I had to set a proxy in global config, which would act as the default, if not otherwise specified in local config.

So below are the commands for configuration:

set global config with proxy

git config --global --add http.proxy "http://username:password@proxydomain:port"
git config --global --add https.proxy "https://username:password@proxydomain:port"

then move to your local directory that contains your .git folder and for which you don't need proxy

cd "C:\Users\username\directory_without_proxy\"

set local config with empty proxy

git config --local --add http.proxy ""
git config --local --add https.proxy ""

It could be done the other way too. That is, you keep the global config as empty and local config with your proxy settings.

Just to double check you can use below command to list down the config settings for global and local respectively:

git config --global --list
git config --local --list


On Windows , Simply [note without password] following worked for me

git config --global http.proxy http://mydomain\\myusername:@myproxyserver:proxyport

git config --global https.proxy http://mydomain\\myusername:@myproxyserver:proxyport