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How to comment code in a vue.js file?

I have the need to insert a comment inside a vue.js file for future references, but I don't find how you do this in the docs.

I have tried //, /**/, {{-- --}}, and {# #}, but none of them seem to work.

I am using Laravel's blade. So this is the sample_file.vue:

    <div class="media">

        <like-button :post="post" v-if="post.likedByCurrentUser === false && "></like-button>  {{--I want to comment this but I get an error from the gulp watch: post.canBeLikedByCurrentUser === true--}}

        <div class="media-left">
            <a href="#">
                <img class="media-object" v-bind:src="post.user.avatar" v-bind:title=" + ' image from Gravatar'">
        <div class="media-body">
            <strong>{{ }}</strong>
            <p>{{post.likeCount}} {{ pluralize('like', post.likeCount) }}</p>

Does anyone know how to insert a comment and / or how to comment pieces of code?

If you're looking for multi-line commenting, the standard html comment will work: <!-- -->. But it sounds like you're looking for inline commenting?
Ahh, I forgot to try that. It is indeed HTML code! Thnx
By default HTML comments are removed by vue
Vue’s templating syntax is very similar to Handlebars. It’s worth noting that Handlebars allows {{! comments like this }} and {{!-- comments {{like this}} that can contain double-braces --}}. These do not get rendered in the output, unlike <!-- html comments --> which do. I tried both {{! ... }} and {{!-- ... --}} with Vue, and unfortunately they’re not supported. Would you consider adding them to your question for users who stumble upon it?

Bill Criswell

You'd want to use standard HTML comments in the <template> tag in your situation. They'll be stripped from the output as well which is nice.

<!-- Comment -->

Afaict, they aren't stripped in Vue 3 🤷
Yeah this is breaking my templates in Vue 3
Any solution for Vue 3? The config "comments: true" doesn't work here.
@dtk have you found a solution to strip out html comments in templates?
@dtk - Using Vue 3.2, by default they are stripped for me when doing a production build, but not when I'm using the development server. This seems to follow the documentation -…

As Bill Criswell said we can use HTML comment syntax.

<!-- Comment -->

But, It will work outside the template tag too, comment.vue

<!-- Testing comments, this will work too. -->

    <!-- This will work too -->

        <!-- Html Comments -->
        Hello There!


<!-- Commenting here -->

    // Commenting only 1 line

      * Commenting multiple lines
      * Commenting multiple lines

This results in "Unexpected token (1:1)" with Vue 2.5.13.
I used to comment outside the supported root tags and found it to cause issues depending on the content of the comments. I wish vue supported comments outside the root tags because it's the most sensible place to create READMEs and such, but oh well.
Instead of using comments outside the supported root tabs, use valid tags there. <comment>Commenting here</comment. You will have to add these to your webpack config.
worth noting that html comments also work for <!-- ... multiple lines ... -->

I have just tested this:

    {{ /* this is a comment */ }}
    <h1>Hello world</h1>

Cool, it doesn't appear in html output. But only one-line-comments are supported with this syntax.
Unfortunately, I cannot get this to work: Error parsing JavaScript expression: Unexpected token (1:24)
Finally! So simple I wonder how come I never thought of it before. Now my comments don't propagate to the final HTML. Thank you! @d9k, I don't see that. I have a multiline comment, precisely with links to SO answers — and including this very answer! — and it works great with the {{ /*<anything, including newlines>*/}} syntax. If, on the other hand, you go with // comments, which are single-line in JS, you'll have trouble with line breaks.
Suraj Kumar

I noticed that you can't comment when you are inside a tag:

<!-- make sure it is outside a tag -->

<!-- you can't place the comment out in here -->

That is because the HTML comment is also a tag. It is breaking the markup.
Rory Jarrard

If it is useful for your projects, you can put plain text above the template with no adornment. It is completely ignored when you render your component.

This is some documentation about this component
   - some
   - info


Vue Styleguidist contains best practices and shows examples of how to comment your components.

But in General...

In the template or HTML section use HTML comments

<!-- Comment -->

In script section use Javascript comments

// Comment
/* Comment */

In style section use CSS comments

/* comment */

My VSCode used to know exactly which of those to use when I hit "Ctrl + /" depending on the area of the file I was working on... after messing with some React junk 😳. Any idea where that behavior is set?
Michael Ekoka

The following tip is not so much about commenting (as in documenting) code per se, but rather about allowing you to temporarily skip chunks of code during development.

When comments require opening and closing tags, the way that the parser matches them can be inconvenient. For instance the following

<!-- I want to comment this <!-- this --> and that --> 

will output and that -->. Similarly /* this will be commented /* and so will this */ but not this */.

My solution is to use v-if="false" to specify which blocks I want to (temporarily) skip.

    <div v-if="false">
        Vue will not process whatever's in here.

Note that this should not be used in replacement of proper comments to document your code. It's just a convenient way to have more control over blocks that you want to skip during the development.

Oh, this is super-cool and just what I was looking for!!!!
IMHO, this is worth making a question, "How do I comment-out a code block" in HTML and self-answering, but perhaps that already exists.
very cool - thanks!
I always does that because commenting mess with the code, it will escape things, sometimes replaces special chars by html entities and so on
Jonas Oliveira

In Vue file / .vue use

/*-- comment in Vue file */


I'm noob in Vue.js, but // should work because the code is javascript anyway. Looking in the docs I find this example. If you look the first 2 lines of javascript you will see comments with //.

example in javascript linked file:

// Full spec-compliant TodoMVC with localStorage persistence
// and hash-based routing in ~120 effective lines of JavaScript.


However, this doesn't work inside the template tag, but inside the script tag