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Removing carriage return and new-line from the end of a string in c#

How do I remove the carriage return character (\r) and the new line character(\n) from the end of a string?


This will trim off any combination of carriage returns and newlines from the end of s:

s = s.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });

Edit: Or as JP kindly points out, you can spell that more succinctly as:

s = s.TrimEnd('\r', '\n');

Take note of the params keyword in the declaration of TrimEnd, it let's you pass multiple instances of a character instead of the array.
How about this: s = s.TrimEnd(System.Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());
I've been writing c# since v1.0 came out (10 years ago). Now you tell me about TrimEnd. Doh!
Just out of interest, all you really need is s = s.TrimEnd() - as the docs say: If trimChars is null or an empty array, Unicode white-space characters are removed instead. - see String.TrimEnd
@StuartWood: ...which is not what Avik asked for. He asked specifically for '\r' and '\n' and nothing else, not the space character ' ' for instance.
JP Alioto

This should work ...

var tst = "12345\n\n\r\n\r\r";
var res = tst.TrimEnd( '\r', '\n' );

Alex Wiese

If you are using multiple platforms you are safer using this method.


It will account for different newline and carriage-return characters.

JP's method -- tst.TrimEnd( '\r', '\n' ) -- is reasonably "safe" in practice since major EOLs are [currently] just different combos of \r and \n, but alexw's is the "right" answer. Let the CLR tell you what chars are in this platform's newline. EOL hasn't always been combos of 0Ds and 0As
I used to use Environment.NewLine but it didn't seem to handle instances where \r was present without \n. TrimEnd('r','\n') seems to be more reliable in this case.
It could be that this is actually a cross-platform issue, and dec needs to specifically remove both \r \n, irrespective of what the system environment says.
String temp = s.Replace("\r\n","").Trim();

s being the original string. (Note capitals)

That will also: 1) Remove \r\n from the middle of the string, 2) Remove any whitespace characters from the start of the string, and 3) remove any whitespace characters from the end of the string.
True, I assumed only one /r/n at the end. It wasn't mentioned in the orginal post. I'm not sure that warrents a -1 vote
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
Is using replace() then trim() not overkill when TrimEnd() can do the job alone, or am I missing something?
great suggestion @MattBaker

The above is all I needed to remove '\r\n' from the end of my string.

The upvoted answer seems wrong to me. Firstly, it didn't work when I tried, secondly, if it did work I would expect that s.TrimEnd('\r', '\n') would only remove either a '\r' or a '\n', so I'd have to run it over my string twice - once for when '\n' was at the end and the second time for when '\r' was at the end (now that the '\n' was removed).

This does work to remove \r and \n but will also remove all white space, so in some cases may go too far. Note the doc for this method: " If trimChars is null or an empty array, Unicode white-space characters are removed instead."
Matthew Flaschen

If there's always a single CRLF, then:

myString = myString.Substring(0, myString.Length - 2);

If it may or may not have it, then:

Regex re = new Regex("\r\n$");
re.Replace(myString, "");

Both of these (by design), will remove at most a single CRLF. Cache the regex for performance.


For us VBers:

TrimEnd(New Char() {ControlChars.Cr, ControlChars.Lf})

string k = "This is my\r\nugly string. I want\r\nto change this. Please \r\n help!";
k = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(k, @"\r\n+", " ");


This was too easy -- for me I'm filtering out certain email items. I'm writing my own custom email junk filter. With \r and/or \n in the string it was wiping out all items instead of filtering.

So, I just did filter = filter.Remove('\n') and filter = filter.Remove('\r'). I'm making my filter such that an end user can use Notepad to directly edit the file so there's no telling where these characters might embed themselves -- could be other than at the start or end of the string. So removing them all does it.

The other entries all work but Remove might be the easiest?

I learned quite a bit more about Regex from this post -- pretty cool work with its use here.

Looks like you could do just filter = filter.Remove('\n').Remove('\r');

I use lots of erasing level

String donen = "lots of stupid whitespaces and new lines and others..."

//Remove multilines
donen = Regex.Replace(donen, @"^\s+$[\r\n]*", "", RegexOptions.Multiline);
//remove multi whitespaces
RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
Regex regex = new Regex("[ ]{2,}", options);
donen = regex.Replace(donen, " ");
//remove tabs
char tab = '\u0009';
donen = donen.Replace(tab.ToString(), "");
//remove endoffile newlines
donen = donen.TrimEnd('\r', '\n');
//to be sure erase new lines again from another perspective
donen.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");

and now we have a clean one row

Paul Roub

This is what I got to work for me.


John Conde
varName.replace(/[\r\n]/mg, '')