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sed one-liner to convert all uppercase to lowercase?

I have a textfile in which some words are printed in ALL CAPS. I want to be able to just convert everything in the textfile to lowercase, using sed. That means that the first sentence would then read, 'i have a textfile in which some words are printed in all caps.'

are you aware of the tr command? Sometimes it's more suitable than sed.
@Bryan Oakley I wasn't until now. Thanks for pointing it out. But how do I use it to do what I was asking?
look in the link provided in Raghuram's answer.
if you must use sed, cat | sed 'y/ABCDEFÑØÅÆŒ/abcdefñøåæœ/' <- You must detail all the characters, uppercase to lowercase. I know it's cumbersome to write all those characters, but it will also work with all those international SPECIAL chars. :)

Alan W. Smith

With tr:

# Converts upper to lower case 
$ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' < input.txt > output.txt

# Converts lower to upper case
$ tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' < input.txt > output.txt

Or, sed on GNU (but not BSD or Mac as they don't support \L or \U):

# Converts upper to lower case
$ sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/' input.txt > output.txt

# Converts lower to upper case
$ sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\U\1/' input.txt > output.txt

I had to choose my own answer because I'm not a fan of answers that just consist of links.
OSX doesn't support the GNU extensions either :(
sed -e 's/.*/\L&/' input.txt > output.txt for GNU sed works fine too
@ekkis OSX is using BSD (as mentioned, BSD sed doesn't support it). Try reading the top line of man sed to know which version you're using.
What does \1/ do at the end?
Grisha Levit

If you have GNU extensions, you can use sed's \L (lower entire match, or until \L [lower] or \E [end - toggle casing off] is reached), like so:

sed 's/.*/\L&/' <input >output

Note: '&' means the full match pattern.

As a side note, GNU extensions include \U (upper), \u (upper next character of match), \l (lower next character of match). For example, if you wanted to camelcase a sentence:

$ sed -E 's/\w+/\u&/g' <<< "Now is the time for all good men..." # Camel Case
Now Is The Time For All Good Men...

Note: Since the assumption is we have GNU extensions, we can use sequences such as \w (match a word character) and the -E (extended regex) option, which relieves you of having to escape the one-or-more quantifier (+) and certain other special regex characters.

Very useful tip. I've found that the round parentheses are not needed in the camel case example. 's/\w+/\u&/g' also works.
sed -ri 's/MATCH_WHATEVER/\L&/i' input-file.ext - using the /i modifier makes the match case-insensitive and thus is optional. The -i switch tells sed to alter the file in-place. No need to redirect output to another file if you don't have to.
I really needed this \E [end - toggle casing off]. Thank you !
Note that the syntax generally seems to be \L\1, so \L& is an exception with the missing backslash. I tested this and if you add the backslash before the & you just get a literal &.

You also can do this very easily with awk, if you're willing to consider a different tool:

echo "UPPER" | awk '{print tolower($0)}'

Its best answer, becouse work with cyrillic. tr: - didnt work with it.
Watch out for characters with accents. tolower wont be able to handle À for instance
You can rename a bunch of files with that command : ls | awk '{print "mv " $0 " " tolower($0)}' | sh

Here are many solutions :

To upercaser with perl, tr, sed and awk

perl -ne 'print uc'
perl -npe '$_=uc'
perl -npe 'tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/'
perl -npe 'tr/a-z/A-Z/'
tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'
sed y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/
sed 's/\([a-z]\)/\U\1/g'
sed 's/.*/\U&/'
awk '{print toupper($0)}'

To lowercase with perl, tr, sed and awk

perl -ne 'print lc'
perl -npe '$_=lc'
perl -npe 'tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/'
perl -npe 'tr/A-Z/a-z/'
tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
sed y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/
sed 's/\([A-Z]\)/\L\1/g'
sed 's/.*/\L&/'
awk '{print tolower($0)}'

Complicated bash to lowercase :

while read v;do v=${v//A/a};v=${v//B/b};v=${v//C/c};v=${v//D/d};v=${v//E/e};v=${v//F/f};v=${v//G/g};v=${v//H/h};v=${v//I/i};v=${v//J/j};v=${v//K/k};v=${v//L/l};v=${v//M/m};v=${v//N/n};v=${v//O/o};v=${v//P/p};v=${v//Q/q};v=${v//R/r};v=${v//S/s};v=${v//T/t};v=${v//U/u};v=${v//V/v};v=${v//W/w};v=${v//X/x};v=${v//Y/y};v=${v//Z/z};echo "$v";done

Complicated bash to uppercase :

while read v;do v=${v//a/A};v=${v//b/B};v=${v//c/C};v=${v//d/D};v=${v//e/E};v=${v//f/F};v=${v//g/G};v=${v//h/H};v=${v//i/I};v=${v//j/J};v=${v//k/K};v=${v//l/L};v=${v//m/M};v=${v//n/N};v=${v//o/O};v=${v//p/P};v=${v//q/Q};v=${v//r/R};v=${v//s/S};v=${v//t/T};v=${v//u/U};v=${v//v/V};v=${v//w/W};v=${v//x/X};v=${v//y/Y};v=${v//z/Z};echo "$v";done

Simple bash to lowercase :

while read v;do echo "${v,,}"; done

Simple bash to uppercase :

while read v;do echo "${v^^}"; done

Note that ${v,} and ${v^} only change the first letter.

You should use it that way :

(while read v;do echo "${v,,}"; done) < input_file.txt > output_file.txt

\U and \L in sed examples are gnu extensions. Something to keep in mind if you want it to be more portable

I like some of the answers here, but there is a sed command that should do the trick on any platform:

sed 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'

Anyway, it's easy to understand. And knowing about the y command can come in handy sometimes.

This doesn't work for arbitrary international characters but does work for ASCII characters in OS/X
It certainly did the job for me. I have to admit it was the first time I used y command. Thanks!
David Jones

If you have GNU sed (likely on Linux, but not on *BSD or macOS):

echo  "Hello  MY name is SUJIT "  | sed 's/./\L&/g'


hello  my name is sujit


If you are using posix sed

Selection for any case for a pattern (converting the searched pattern with this sed than use the converted pattern in you wanted command using regex:

echo "${MyOrgPattern} | sed "s/[aA]/[aA]/g;s/[bB]/[bB]/g;s/[cC]/[cC]/g;s/[dD]/[dD]/g;s/[eE]/[eE]/g;s/[fF]/[fF]/g;s/[gG]/[gG]/g;s/[hH]/[hH]/g;s/[iI]/[iI]/g;s/[jJ]/[jJ]/g;s/[kK]/[kK]/g;s/[lL]/[lL]/g;s/[mM]/[mM]/g;s/[nN]/[nN]/g;s/[oO]/[oO]/g;s/[pP]/[pP]/g;s/[qQ]/[qQ]/g;s/[rR]/[rR]/g;s/[sS]/[sS]/g;s/[tT]/[tT]/g;s/[uU]/[uU]/g;s/[vV]/[vV]/g;s/[wW]/[wW]/g;s/[xX]/[xX]/g;s/[yY]/[yY]/g;s/[zZ]/[zZ]/g" | read -c MyNewPattern
 YourInputStreamCommand | egrep "${MyNewPattern}"

convert in lower case

sed "s/[aA]/a/g;s/[bB]/b/g;s/[cC]/c/g;s/[dD]/d/g;s/[eE]/e/g;s/[fF]/f/g;s/[gG]/g/g;s/[hH]/h/g;s/[iI]/i/g;s/j/[jJ]/g;s/[kK]/k/g;s/[lL]/l/g;s/[mM]/m/g;s/[nN]/n/g;s/[oO]/o/g;s/[pP]/p/g;s/[qQ]/q/g;s/[rR]/r/g;s/[sS]/s/g;s/[tT]/t/g;s/[uU]/u/g;s/[vV]/v/g;s/[wW]/w/g;s/[xX]/x/g;s/[yY]/y/g;s/[zZ]/z/g"

same for uppercase replace lower letter between // by upper equivalent in the sed

Have fun

(I found this one worked best on MacOS) - Nice, my friend - but a tiny topo - you have the Jj case backwards. Should be sed "s/[aA]/a/g;s/[bB]/b/g;s/[cC]/c/g;s/[dD]/d/g;s/[eE]/e/g;s/[fF]/f/g;s/[gG]/g/g;s/[hH]/h/g;s/[iI]/i/g;s/[jJ]/j/g;s/[kK]/k/g;s/[lL]/l/g;s/[mM]/m/g;s/[nN]/n/g;s/[oO]/o/g;s/[pP]/p/g;s/[qQ]/q/g;s/[rR]/r/g;s/[sS]/s/g;s/[tT]/t/g;s/[uU]/u/g;s/[vV]/v/g;s/[wW]/w/g;s/[xX]/x/g;s/[yY]/y/g;s/[zZ]/z/g"
I'm not sure why you need to do something so labor intensive. I'm assuming Mac OS does not have GNU extensions, but if you're dead set on using sed, instead of substitution ('s') you could use transliteration ('y') like so: sed 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'
the goal was to select any text pattern that look like a lower/upper case from a non GNU sed without changing the content of the data source (a y// change the content of source or could miss the pattern search.

short, sweet and you don't even need redirection :-)

perl -p -i -e 'tr/A-Z/a-z/' file

Hah, well I tried to use this with a look behind and it somehow replaced most of all letters in my files with other random upper case letter. Gave me a good laugh anyway. I was able to to derive what I wanted from this answer too about perl: