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Is there any way to git checkout previous branch?

I sort of want the equivalent of cd - for git. If I am in branch master and I checkout foo, I would love to be able to type something like git checkout - to go back to master, and be able to type it again to return to foo.

Does anything like this exist? Would it be hard to implement?

I would like type UP arrow to find my previous git checkout command :p
that involves moving your hands off the home position, typing gc- is WAY faster then pressing up until you find what you are looking for
@MattBriggs do you actually type gc- or was that shorthand for git checkout -
@jewbix.cube You need to learn about aliases, both for your shell and for git.
@KitHo: I find myself wanting to do that constantly, but the command I want may not even exist in the history if, for example, I just created the branch.


From the release notes for 1.6.2

@{-1} is a way to refer to the last branch you were on. This is accepted not only where an object name is expected, but anywhere a branch name is expected and acts as if you typed the branch name. E.g. git branch --track mybranch @{-1}, git merge @{-1}, and git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{-1} would work as expected.


git checkout - is a shorthand for git checkout @{-1}.

wow, I totally should have just tried it! figured - was a shell-ism, and that if the functionality was in git, it would be something different
This does not work well when you checkout a commit SHA twice, in which case @{-1} points to where you were before the first checkout..
I'm using ZSH, and I had to wrap @{-1} in quotes. Otherwise git choked: error: pathspec '@-' did not match any file(s) known to git. error: pathspec '@1' did not match any file(s) known to git.
I'm using fish, and also had to wrap @{-1} in quotes. git checkout - worked just fine, though.
Extra kudos for the pedagogy used: Show the general facility, then mention the compact but less general shorthand! … I quite often use @{u}, which is the upstream branch of the current branch. It's very useful for e.g. git log @{u}.. which lists upstream commits that aren't pulled yet. And the converse git log ..@{u} which is just the local commits that aren't pushed yet.

The simplest way of doing this nowadays is:

git checkout -

... which is an alias of:

git checkout @{-1}

If you want to know more about this, I wrote an entire article about it here: Checkout The Previous Branch In Git.

Perfect. I was looking up what the git way to do this was so I could create this exact alias. Glad to see it just exists.
Is there a way to list the previous branches without checking them out?
@Erotemic using bash - for i in{1..10}; do git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{-$i}; done
Amazing to see the 'git checkout -' alias is a thing! That is exactly the ux I was looking for :)
@Erotemic in powershell it would be git reflog | ? { $_ -match ': checkout: moving from (.*) to (.*)'} | % { $Matches[1] } . In bash you have to write something equivalent (get reflog and filter it to lines containing ": checkout:" string and then extract branch name). This is actually what git does

Git version 2.23 introduced the git switch command which you can use to do that (and more). Quoting the official documentation:

Switch to a specified branch. The working tree and the index are updated to match the branch. All new commits will be added to the tip of this branch.

In your specific case you can issue git switch - to go back to the branch you were previously on. You can execute the same command again to return to the first branch.

P.S. It's not that you don't already know how to do that (I mean it's been 7 years since you asked this question), but this command is less confusing and friendly to beginners as it addresses a common confusion that arises when using git checkout.


As @Karl points out and from git checkout manual:

As a special case, the "@{-N}" syntax for the N-th last branch checks out the branch (instead of detaching). You may also specify - which is synonymous with "@{-1}".

So both git checkout - and git checkout @{-1} would work in this case

Closest I believe is using the git reflog and parse the latest moving from branch1 to branch2 and git checkout branch1


I landed to this question with the same thought to checkout my previous branch. I'm using ohmyz in Mac. Below command helped me.

$ gco -
$ git checkout -

Just a heads-up that ohmyz is super slow compared to other zsh package managers. I would recommend taking a look at antigen or zplug.
In case it’s not clear, this works because Oh My Zsh’s Git plugin defines gco as a short way of writing git checkout. So gco - just calls git checkout -.
offcourse my friend. needless to explain its git checkout -. for failsafe updated.
@spex antigen uses ohmyzsh anyways for the git plugin, how can that be faster?

Just adding some more detail to the previous answers to understand the mechanism by which git checkout @{-N} works. It walks the reflog to inspect the checkout history, so if you wanted to implement something similar on your own you should be able to parse the output of git reflog looking for checkout: lines. You can check the implementation in the git source sha1_name.c, specifically the function interpret_nth_prior_checkout.


The most popular solution is:

git checkout @{-N}

Where N - step count of the branches to move back on the checkout history.

Rory O'Kane

Here are pointers to the parts of Git’s documentation that describe the git checkout - and git checkout @{-1} solutions given by the other answers:

When specifying a Git revision for any command, @{-}, e.g. @{-1} means “the nth branch/commit checked out before the current one.” The documentation for git checkout reiterates: “You can use the @{-N} syntax to refer to the N-th last branch/commit checked out using git checkout operation.”

For the argument of git checkout, “you may also specify ‘-’ which is synonymous to ‘@{-1}’.”