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Convert an int to a QString with zero padding (leading zeroes)

I want to "stringify" a number and add zero-padding, like how printf("%05d") would add leading zeros if the number is less than 5 digits.


Use this:

QString number = QStringLiteral("%1").arg(yourNumber, 5, 10, QLatin1Char('0'));

5 here corresponds to 5 in printf("%05d"). 10 is the radix, you can put 16 to print the number in hex.

Thanks. Documentation here.
Very useful for creating hex color codes from integer, thanks :)
And why the string argument is "%1"?
@Zaibis Because it's the first argument. If there were more, they would be %2 etc. See
@sashoalm how we can remove the same number of leading zero? ex. My hex was 1f with QString("%1").arg(yourNumber, 5, 10, QChar('0')); it became 001f. now how to do the reverse to get 1f again? thanks for the help in an advance.
Дмитрий Гранин

QString QString::rightJustified ( int width, QChar fill = QLatin1Char( ' ' ), bool truncate = false ) const

int myNumber = 99;
QString result;
result = QString::number(myNumber).rightJustified(5, '0');

result is now 00099

thank you, I'm creating a string on the fly using += so the selected solution couldn't be used.
Better but still creates a temporary string :/

The Short Example:

int myNumber = 9;

//Arg1: the number
//Arg2: how many 0 you want?
//Arg3: The base (10 - decimal, 16 hexadecimal - if you don't understand, choose 10)
//      It seems like only decimal can support negative numbers.
QString number = QString("%1").arg(myNumber, 2, 10, QChar('0')); 

Output will be: 09



QString s = s.sprintf("%08X",yournumber);

EDIT: According to the docs at

Warning: We do not recommend using QString::sprintf() in new Qt code. Instead, consider using QTextStream or arg(), both of which support Unicode strings seamlessly and are type-safe. Here's an example that uses QTextStream:

QString result;
QTextStream(&result) << "pi = " << 3.14;
// result == "pi = 3.14"

Read the other docs for features missing from this method.

nice, not marking as the best fix, as the currently marked answer is more flexible. But nice to know! (upvoting)

I was trying this (which does work, but cumbersome).

QString s;
s = s.toUpper();
presision -= s.length();

Ramao Balta

I use a technique since VB 5

QString theStr=QString("0000%1").arg(theNumber).right(4);

A lot of memcpy() and a log of wasted memory/cpu. If you are using Qt/C++ you want performance (that said, I saw this trick using in JS, and it's a good hack on that platform).
Don't give up!!