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OSX -bash: composer: command not found

If i type "composer" i get the above error message.

I did on my macbook:

curl -sS | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

to install Composer globally.

I had to manually create the /local/bin/composer directory, maybe this caused the error ?

php composer.phar

works if i in my code directory where the .phar file is.

What could i do to solve the problem and run composer globally ?

My ~/.profile

export PS1="\W: "
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gxBxhxDxfxhxhxhxhxcxcx

~: echo $PATH

chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/composer and add /usr/local/bin to $PATH in ~/.bash_profile. This is basic user stuff and does not belong here.
What exactly should i add to my .profile ? I updated my post with the content of my .profile
So composer is now at /usr/local/bin/composer/composer.phar?
Same problem on mac os x 10.11.4 here with /usr/local/bin & /usr/local/bin/composer in the $PATH, still getting -bash: /usr/local/bin/composer/composer.phar: Permission denied
@Pmpr Have you got any solution for permissions issue?


The path /usr/local/bin/composer is not in your PATH, executables in that folder won't be found.

Delete the folder /usr/local/bin/composer, then run

$ mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

This moves composer.phar into /usr/local/bin/ and renames it into composer (which is still an executable, not a folder).

Then just use it like:

$ composer ...

The fact that you're typing in "$" perhaps? That's just to signify your command line prompt, which typically is "$".
I'm getting a composer: Permission denied saw some solutions with sudo chmod but i'm getting sudo: not found (it's a synology (busybox))
Maybe that is why $ should not be included in answers. Seems obvious to us but not to new people. And it is also obvious that you don't need the $ for people to understand that you are talking about the terminal.
I think including the $ is great (if you have problems understanding what the $ is for hmmm then maybe linux scripting is not for you?)
Why is this not in the documentation on composer! Ty @deceze

Well I tried a lot of things but none seemed to be working. But the following process did it right, I can now use composer command in terminal. I'm in mac OS 10.12.1

$ curl -sS | php
$ chmod +x composer.phar
$ mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
$ composer

I tried this on MacOS M1, working like charm and saved my lot of time. Thanks for the solution
zsh: permission denied: composer
Works perfect on MacOS Monterey. Thanks!
Mahendran Sakkarai

I get into the same issue even after moving the composer.phar to '/usr/local/bin/composer' using the following command in amazon linux.

mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

I used the following command to create a alias for the composer file. So now its running globally.

alias composer='/usr/local/bin/composer'

I don't know whether this will work in OS-X. But when i search with this issue i get this link. So I'm just posting here. Hope this will help someone.

Yea it worked after creating alias. alias composer='/usr/local/bin/composer'
Great article! I have been searched a lot for this.
Sabrina Leggett

Tested on Mac OSX after installing via instructions on composer website:

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer


This works on Ubuntu;

alias composer='/usr/local/bin/composer/composer.phar'

you should restart your terminal once you had done this
@lone_coder you made my day, in fact I was stuck, and the solution was as simple as just restarting the terminal

Globally install Composer on OS X 10.11 El Capitan

This command will NOT work in OS X 10.11:

curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer 

Instead, let's write to the /usr/local/bin path for the user:

curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

Now we can access the composer command globally, just like before.

I get php: command not found

this wasted me a day or two. like why dont anybody say on tutorials that the command composer is not to be used without actually linking and stuff... I mean everyone is writing composer command like its the next step when we are not all 5 years experienced users to know these details.

cp composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

did it for me on ubuntu after getting stuck for 2 days

Me too, followed all the tutorials and they couldn't add one tiny line or two of information about the command being moved to /usr/local/bin/composer. They all say to run something like run "export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"" and it does not fix it!
Ashwani Garg

This worked fine for me this time in the permissions issue.

alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer/composer.phar"


On Mac OS X, for anyone having:

-bash: /usr/local/bin/composer: Permission denied

problem, while trying to move downloaded composer.phar using:

mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

this is the cause:

System Integrity Protection

and this is the solution:

Reboot in recovery mode: restart you mac and hold down cmd+R. Open the terminal once recovery mode has started via Utilities>Terminal via the bar at the top. Type in csrutil disable and hit enter. You should see a msg returned saying that: the System Integrity Protection is off. Restart the computer as normal and then go set up composer. I had to put it in /usr/bin and NOT /usr/local/bin because for some reason it just didn't work there. Go back to recovery mode and enable System Integrity Protector by typing csrutil enable Come back in normal boot up and check that composer works. It did for me.

The above 6 steps are copied from here, so all the credit belongs to the user Vasheer there.

You should chmod +x the binary instead of just turning off your csrutil ...
Başar Söker

If you have to run composer with sudo, you should change the directory of composer to


this was tested on Centos8.

Roy Segall

Composer is avialble and install the packages in the global path but they are not available in the shell, Mac in my case. I managed to fix this by adding the global bin to the path at my bash file.


First, check what is your home directory by typing in the shell:

cd ~

this will tell you the home path

The next step is to verify that composer set the global directory there:

ls -al .composer

If you got list of files that's mean composer set up the directory, if not - look above or in the documentation.

The next step is to edit the bash profile. Mine is ~/.bash_profile but other can ~/.zshrc. If you don't have any one like this try to see how to set up aliases and place the the code in aliases file:

export PATH

That's it! just reload the file with


And you good to go!