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How is a tag different from a branch in Git? Which should I use, here?

I am having some difficulty understanding how to use tags versus branches in .

I just moved the current version of our code from to , and now I'm going to be working on a subset of that code for a particular feature. A few other developers will be working on this as well, but not all developers in our group are going to care about this feature. Should I be creating a branch or a tag? In what situations should I be using one versus the other?

Since web search for how to use git tag brought me to that link first, I add that there is a better (IMHO) answer about a tag here:…


From the theoretical point of view:

tags are symbolic names for a given revision. They always point to the same object (usually: to the same revision); they do not change.

branches are symbolic names for line of development. New commits are created on top of branch. The branch pointer naturally advances, pointing to newer and newer commits.

From the technical point of view:

tags reside in refs/tags/ namespace, and can point to tag objects (annotated and optionally GPG signed tags) or directly to commit object (less used lightweight tag for local names), or in very rare cases even to tree object or blob object (e.g. GPG signature).

branches reside in refs/heads/ namespace, and can point only to commit objects. The HEAD pointer must refer to a branch (symbolic reference) or directly to a commit (detached HEAD or unnamed branch).

remote-tracking branches reside in refs/remotes// namespace, and follow ordinary branches in remote repository .

See also gitglossary manpage:

branch A "branch" is an active line of development. The most recent commit on a branch is referred to as the tip of that branch. The tip of the branch is referenced by a branch head, which moves forward as additional development is done on the branch. A single git repository can track an arbitrary number of branches, but your working tree is associated with just one of them (the "current" or "checked out" branch), and HEAD points to that branch. tag A ref pointing to a tag or commit object. In contrast to a head, a tag is not changed by a commit. Tags (not tag objects) are stored in $GIT_DIR/refs/tags/. [...]. A tag is most typically used to mark a particular point in the commit ancestry chain. tag object An object containing a ref pointing to another object, which can contain a message just like a commit object. It can also contain a (PGP) signature, in which case it is called a "signed tag object".

Question: if you treat a branch like a tag (that is, you create it, then never update it), is there any real difference?
@SteveBennett absolutely. There contains different informations (you can sign a tag, you can add a description to a branch). You can move a branch (so even if you never update it, you can still rebase it.). You cannot move a tag (it is linked to a specific commit). You can choose to push a branch. Tags aren't pushed by default. You should never use one for the other (unless you are really in an SVN mindset, in which case you need to "un-learn" that fast if you want to go on with git).
@SteveBennett: There is a difference how Git treats branches vs how it treat tags. Besides what VonC said, you cannot advance tag by mistake: "git checkout <tag>" would generate anonymous unnamed branch (so called 'detached HEAD') and select state of tag. Creating a new commit does it on this unnamed branch, and does not change what tag points to.
IMO, branches are separated timelines (parallel world), and tags are specific moments at a timeline.
No one here has mentioned it yet but you can use a tag as the point to start a branch: git checkout -b <branch name> <tag name>

A tag represents a version of a particular branch at a moment in time. A branch represents a separate thread of development that may run concurrently with other development efforts on the same code base. Changes to a branch may eventually be merged back into another branch to unify them.

Usually you'll tag a particular version so that you can recreate it, e.g., this is the version we shipped to XYZ Corp. A branch is more of a strategy to provide on-going updates on a particular version of the code while continuing to do development on it. You'll make a branch of the delivered version, continue development on the main line, but make bug fixes to the branch that represents the delivered version. Eventually, you'll merge these bug fixes back into the main line. Often you'll use both branching and tagging together. You'll have various tags that may apply both to the main line and its branches marking particular versions (those delivered to customers, for instance) along each branch that you may want to recreate -- for delivery, bug diagnosis, etc.

It's actually more complicated than this -- or as complicated as you want to make it -- but these examples should give you an idea of the differences.

in his case he wants to use branches, maybe you should also note this in your answer ;)
AFAIK, tags are not unique per branch. So yo can't give same names for different commits in separate branches.
@M.Y. Certainly not a bad thing, IMHO. Especially in the way described by tvanfosson, having more than one tag with the same name across different branches could become difficult to maintain. Given the example, I would think that if you could have tags with the same name across different branches, it would quickly be established as a bad practice. Good to know that you can't, though. Thanks M.Y.!
A tag is just an alias for a commit hash. Same as you can checkout a commit with git checkout 88c9f229f you can do something like git checkout your_tag and you will checkout the commit that was aliased by the tag.
@jterm, aren't branches aliases too? The only difference is that a branch-alias automatically repoints itself to the most recent commit in the chain.
Lance Kind

If you think of your repository as a book that chronicles progress on your project...


You can think of a branch as one of those sticky bookmarks:

A brand new repository has only one of those (called master), which automatically moves to the latest page (think commit) you've written. However, you're free to create and use more bookmarks, in order to mark other points of interest in the book, so you can return to them quickly.

Also, you can always move a particular bookmark to some other page of the book (using git-reset, for instance); points of interest typically vary over time.


You can think of tags as chapter headings.

It may contain a title (think annotated tags) or not. A tag is similar but different to a branch, in that it marks a point of historical interest in the book. To maintain its historical aspect, once you've shared a tag (i.e. pushed it to a shared remote), you're not supposed to move it to some other place in the book.

I would image that a branch would be a book, and bookmarks are tags. You can continue writing a book, but you cannot edit it. Tag is just a fixed moment in the book.
@Jubobs I liked the branch explanation as a line of development. A book would be a branch. You can start a new book based on the place where left the main branch. You can write them paralel and then try to merge in to a one book/branch.
@MārtiņšBriedis I understand the way you like to think of a branch, but I find that, in Git, that's actually misleading. See…
this one is really a time saver answer
If you start writing a book and you have first 50 pages, you can copy it (create a new branch from it) and continue writing two books simultaneously (or give the book copy to some other writer - developer) and finally you can merge the changes from the other book to your book.

What you need to realize, coming from CVS, is that you no longer create directories when setting up a branch. No more "sticky tag" (which can be applied to just one file), or "branch tag". Branch and tags are two different objects in Git, and they always apply to the all repo.

You would no longer (with SVN this time) have to explicitly structure your repository with:


That structure comes from the fact CVS is a revision system and not a version system (see Source control vs. Revision Control?).
That means branches are emulated through tags for CVS, directory copies for SVN.

Your question makes senses if you are used to checkout a tag, and start working in it. Which you shouldn't ;) A tag is supposed to represent an immutable content, used only to access it with the guarantee to get the same content every time.

In Git, the history of revisions is a series of commits, forming a graph. A branch is one path of that graph

x--x--x--x--x # one branch
     --y----y # another branch
        # a tag pointing to a commit

If you checkout a tag, you will need to create a branch to start working from it.

If you checkout a branch, you will directly see the latest commit it('HEAD') of that branch.

See Jakub Narębski's answer for all the technicalities, but frankly, at this point, you do not need (yet) all the details ;)

The main point is: a tag being a simple pointer to a commit, you will never be able to modify its content. You need a branch.

In your case, each developer working on a specific feature:

should create their own branch in their respective repository

track branches from their colleague's repositories (the one working on the same feature)

pulling/pushing in order to share your work with your peers.

Instead of tracking directly the branches of your colleagues, you could track only the branch of one "official" central repository to which everyone pushes his/her work in order to integrate and share everyone's work for this particular feature.

@VonC: I think you mean "SVN" in your answer and not "CVS". CVS does not have the directory structure; SVN does. In fact, tagging in git reminds me much more of tagging in RCS/CVS than tagging in SVN (where tag == degenerate branch).
@ChrisCleeland good point. I have tried to separate a bit more CVS and SVN points in the (edited) answer.

Branches are made of wood and grow from the trunk of the tree. Tags are made of paper (derivative of wood) and hang like Christmas Ornaments from various places in the tree.

Your project is the tree, and your feature that will be added to the project will grow on a branch. The answer is branch.

love for the analogy
Vassili Gorshkov

It looks like the best way to explain is that tags act as read only branches. You can use a branch as a tag, but you may inadvertently update it with new commits. Tags are guaranteed to point to the same commit as long as they exist.

Tags are guaranteed to point to the same commit as long as they exist. Not completely true. You can actually move a tag with git tag -f.

I like to think of branches as where you're going, tags as where you've been.

A tag feels like a bookmark of a particular important point in the past, such as a version release.

Whereas a branch is a particular path the project is going down, and thus the branch marker advances with you. When you're done you merge/delete the branch (i.e. the marker). Of course, at that point you could choose to tag that commit.

Greg Hewgill

Tags can be either signed or unsigned; branches are never signed.

Signed tags can never move because they are cryptographically bound (with a signature) to a particular commit. Unsigned tags are not bound and it is possible to move them (but moving tags is not a normal use case).

Branches can not only move to a different commit but are expected to do so. You should use a branch for your local development project. It doesn't quite make sense to commit work to a Git repository "on a tag".


the simple answer is:

branch: the current branch pointer moves with every commit to the repository


tag: the commit that a tag points doesn't change, in fact the tag is a snapshot of that commit.


The Git Parable explains how a typical DVCS gets created and why their creators did what they did. Also, you might want to take a look at Git for Computer Scientist; it explains what each type of object in Git does, including branches and tags.


A tag is used to mark a version, more specifically it references a point in time on a branch. A branch is typically used to add features to a project.



Tags are expected to always point at the same version of a project, while heads are expected to advance as development progresses.

Git User Manual

3 revs

We use

branches in the dev environment for feature development or bug fix

lightweight tags for the test environment on feature branches

annotated tags for the release/prd (main branch)

After each annotated tags, all feature branches rebase from the main branch.

As said by others, a branch is a line of development and the head moves forward as newer commits arrive. This is ideal for the feature development.

Lightweight tag is fixed to a specific commit, which makes it ideal to create an internal version and let qa team to test a feature after dev is completed.

Annotated tag is ideal for the release to production, as we can add a formal message and other annotations when merging the tested feature branch to the main branch (stable).

Good Pen

neovim on github:

v0.3.1 ... v0.3.4 ... are tags

nightly and stable are tags, not branches