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How to get current path with query string using Capybara

The page url is something like /people?search=name while I used current_path method of capybara it returned /people only.

current_path.should == people_path(:search => 'name')

But it fails saying

expected: "/people?search=name"
got: "/people"

How we can make it pass? Is there is any way to do this?

"/people?search=name" is not a path. "/people" is a path


I've updated this answer to reflect modern conventions in capybara. I think this is ideal since this is the accepted answer, and what many people are being referred to when looking for a solution. With that said, the correct way to check the current path is to use the has_current_path? matcher provided by Capybara, as documented here: Click Here

Example usage:

expect(page).to have_current_path(people_path(search: 'name'))

As you can see in the documentation, other options are available. If the current page is /people?search=name but you only care that it's on the /people page regardless of the param, you can send the only_path option:

expect(page).to have_current_path(people_path, only_path: true)

Additionally, if you want to compare the entire URL:

expect(page).to have_current_path(people_url, url: true)

Credit to Tom Walpole for pointing out this method.

I'll probably need this syntax very soon, I'm writing tests for a legacy application. Using current_path.should == is working for now (though I need to add a trailing forward-slash as a string). I'm thanking you in advance for code I'll likely need.
URI.parse(current_url).request_uri is more succinct. See @Lasse Bunk's answer.
As of Capybara 2.5, this is no longer the best answer. See @tom-walpole's answer below.
Since the asker is unlikely to change the accepted answer, I've updated the answer to reflect modern times. This should be more helpful to new users looking for a solution and seeing the first answer. Thanks @OddityOverseer for pointing it out
For new Capybara versions use ignore_query: true instead of only_path: true
Robert Starsi

I replaced the _path method with _url to achieve comparing the full urls with parameters.

current_url.should == people_url(:search => 'name')

How did you deal with the host part?
You can also use current_path in newer versions of Capybara and match it against people_path(...)
When I dont have named path... I have only /users/register... then how I should use it?
What if it's happening on a render, so that the URL is different from the html page?
Thomas Walpole

Just updating this question for modern times. The current best practice for checking current_paths when using Capybara 2.5+ is to use the current_path matcher, which will use Capybaras waiting behavior to check the path. If wanting to check against the request_uri (path and query string)

expect(page).to have_current_path(people_path(:search => 'name'))  

If only wanting the path part (ignoring the query string)

expect(page).to have_current_path(people_path, only_path: true) # Capybara < 2.16
expect(page).to have_current_path(people_path, ignore_query: true) # Capybara >= 2.16

If wanting to match the full url

expect(page).to have_current_path(people_url, url: true) # Capybara < 2.16
expect(page).to have_current_path(people_url) # Capybara >= 2.16

the matcher will take a string which is compared with == or a regex to match against

expect(page).to have_current_path(/search=name/)

in these modern times this should be marked as the answer. This will safe a lot of vague timing issues, thanks!
@Vanuan rspec has been deprecating the should syntax. You should strive to use expect().to in your specs going forward.
only_path: true is now ignore_query: true
Lasse Bunk

I know an answer has been selected, but I just wanted to give an alternative solution. So:

To get the path and querystring, like request.fullpath in Rails, you can do:

URI.parse(current_url).request_uri.should == people_path(:search => 'name')

You can also do a helper method in your test class (like ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest) like this (which is what I did):

def current_fullpath

Hope this helps.

Ciro Santilli Путлер Капут 六四事

EDIT: as Tinynumberes mentioned, this fails for URLs with port number. Keeping it here in case anyone else has the same brilliant idea.


golfs exactly as well (35 chars) as URI.parse(current_url).request_uri, but is potentially faster because there is no explicit URI parsing involved.

I have made a pull request to add this to Capybara at:

This doesn't work if the current_url might contain a port number. E.g. given a current_url of, current_url[current_host.size..-1] will equal :8888/some/path. Also, behind the scenes current_host does the same sort of URI.parse logic that @nzifnab recommended in the accepted answer.

Beware that author mentioned in this comment. That usage of current_url can lead to flaky tests.