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Safari Developer Tools: How to Preserve Console Log Upon Navigation?

When using Safari Web Inspector to read the JavaScript console output, the log is reset upon navigation i.e. going from page index.html to mail.html clears the console output. In the Chrome Developer Tools, I can easily preserve the log by right clicking on the console space and selecting Preserve Log Upon Navigation. With this option, console log output remains intact until I manually clear the output simplifying the process of debugging JavaScript that refreshes or redirects to another page.

Is there a similar feature in Safari Web Inspector?

I don't think so, at least i haven't found it to be the case.
you could overwrite the console.log method, store all data received, save it in localstorage upon navigation 'a'.click, and re-apply it on some event like document.ready, but its rather hacky


I don't know when this was added, but it is present in Safari on El Capitan (Safari 9.0). It works the same as in Chrome (right click in the console window and select "Keep Log on Navigation").

Update: As per Daniel Compton's answer, in Safari 11+ this is now under the settings icon as 'Console: Clear when page navigates'.

Update: The setting is now back to "Preserve log" in the Network tab in the developer console in Safari 14+

They could have hide it a bit more!
The location of this setting does not even make sense... why is it in the console tab and not in the network or the general settings? Anyway many thanks for the answer.
As Daniel Compton points out, as of Safari 11 this is no longer the case. Please see his answer for recent instructions.
Unfortunately both options don't seem to be available in Safari 7.1 - I guess I should upgrade.
Daniel Compton

In Safari 11.1.2 they moved it again(!) back to the Console tab under the "Preserve log" checkbox. The Network log has similarly moved back to the Network tab.

In Safari 11 they moved it to the Settings panel under "Console: Clear when page navigates". It also has a sister setting "Network: Clear when page navigates".

This is the latest still, why the button is surfing through the tabs anyways.

No, there is no such feature (in Safari 5.0 at least). Looking at some Google results, I don't think this feature exists in any Safari version.

safari 5 is ancient, i assume your on windows and there for using 5
gabo bernal