Social Fabric — Daily financial research for retail investors

Product Hunt 技术与编程 中国大陆


“ Hey there, amazing Product Hunt community 👋 These past couple of months we at Social Fabric have been tirelessly working on a special project 🥳. Our daily business and financial news aggregator that helps retail traders stay on top of what’s happening in the world of finance every day. We simplify the entire learning process in finance from identifying trends to understanding patterns. We built an app currently only available for iPhone and are in the process of developing an android application. Our app in summary: Social Fabric is one of Canada's fastest growing mobile financial news platforms. We target young professionals that want a more easy and intuitive way to browse their favourite topics. We take the average reading time of a financial article from 7.5 minutes to 20 seconds with a state of the art summarization model. While also depicting a representation of investor emotion in response to articles. I’d love for you to check out our app and let me know what you think. To do so, go to the Apple App Store and download the Social Fabric now. I also have a special treat 🎉 for you if you hit me up on LinkedIn – my handle is: Jordan Glyn-Williams. Excited to hear your thoughts – we’re adding new content every day and are heavily investing into building a great product for the intersection of retail investors, day traders, r/wallstreetbets members and more. Really looking forward to your hearing your feedback on our product 🤓 Best, Jordan Founder of Social Fabric ” – Jordan Glyn-Williams Discussion | Link








ip2region xdb 易语言查询类模块实现

在ip2region xdb 中读取数据 加载到内存 在内存中进行查询
参数是 IP地址 查询返回结果是地理位置信息
以下是C语言实现的代码 可参考

<br>#include "xdb_searcher.h"<br><br>int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {<br> char *db_path = "ip2region.xdb file path";<br> xdb_vector_index_t *v_index;<br> xdb_searcher_t searcher;<br> char region_buffer[256], ip_buffer[16], *ip = "";<br> long s_time;<br><br> // 1、从 db_path 加载 VectorIndex 索引。<br> // 得到 v_index 做成全局缓存,便于后续反复使用。<br> // 注意:v_index 不需要每次都加载,建议在服务启动的时候加载一次,然后做成全局资源。<br> v_index = xdb_load_vector_index_from_file(db_path);<br> if (v_index == NULL) {<br> printf("failed to load vector index from `%s`<br>", db_path);<br> return 1;<br> }<br><br> // 2、使用全局的 VectorIndex 变量创建带 VectorIndex 缓存的 xdb 查询对象<br> int err = xdb_new_with_vector_index(&searcher, db_path, v_index);<br> if (err != 0) {<br> printf("failed to create vector index cached searcher with errcode=%d<br>", err);<br> return 2;<br> }<br><br> // 3、调用 search API 查询<br> // 得到的 region 信息会存储到 region_buffer 里面,如果你自定义了数据,请确保给足 buffer 的空间。<br> s_time = xdb_now();<br> err = xdb_search_by_string(&searcher, ip, region_buffer, sizeof(region_buffer));<br> if (err != 0) {<br> printf("failed search(%s) with errno=%d<br>", ip, err);<br> } else {<br> printf("{region: %s, took: %d μs}", region_buffer, (int)(xdb_now() - s_time));<br> }<br><br> // 备注:并发使用,没一个线程需要单独定义并且初始化一个 searcher 查询对象。<br><br> // 4、关闭 xdb 查询器,如果是要关闭服务,也需要释放 v_index 的内存。<br> xdb_close(&searcher);<br> xdb_close_vector_index(v_index);<br> return 0;<br>}<br>

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